Package SCons :: Package Node :: Module FS :: Class EntryProxy
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Class EntryProxy

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object --+    
Util.Proxy --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
A Python Descriptor class that delegates attribute fetches to an underlying wrapped subject of a Proxy. Typical use:
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A Python Descriptor class that delegates attribute fetches to an underlying wrapped subject of a Proxy. Typical use:
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__get_abspath(self) source code
__get_filebase(self) source code
__get_suffix(self) source code
__get_file(self) source code
Return the file's directory and file name, with the suffix stripped.
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Return the path with / as the path separator, regardless of platform.
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Return the path with as the path separator, regardless of platform.
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__get_srcnode(self) source code
Returns the directory containing the source node linked to this node via VariantDir(), or the directory of this node if not linked.
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__get_rsrcnode(self) source code
Returns the directory containing the source node linked to this node via VariantDir(), or the directory of this node if not linked.
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__get_dir(self) source code
__getattr__(self, name)
Retrieve an attribute from the wrapped object. If the named attribute doesn't exist, AttributeError is raised
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Inherited from Util.Proxy: __eq__, __init__, get

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  dictSpecialAttrs = {'abspath': <__builtin__.function object>, ...
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

(Informal representation operator)

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A Python Descriptor class that delegates attribute fetches to an underlying wrapped subject of a Proxy. Typical use:

class Foo(Proxy):
__str__ = Delegate('__str__')
Overrides: object.__str__

(Hashing function)

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A Python Descriptor class that delegates attribute fetches to an underlying wrapped subject of a Proxy. Typical use:

class Foo(Proxy):
__str__ = Delegate('__str__')
Overrides: object.__hash__

__getattr__(self, name)
(Qualification operator)

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Retrieve an attribute from the wrapped object. If the named attribute doesn't exist, AttributeError is raised
Overrides: Util.Proxy.__getattr__
(inherited documentation)

Class Variable Details [hide private]


{'abspath': <__builtin__.function object>,
 'base': <__builtin__.function object>,
 'dir': <__builtin__.function object>,
 'file': <__builtin__.function object>,
 'filebase': <__builtin__.function object>,
 'posix': <__builtin__.function object>,
 'rsrcdir': <__builtin__.function object>,
 'rsrcpath': <__builtin__.function object>,