Package SCons :: Module Executor :: Class Executor
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Class Executor

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object --+

A class for controlling instances of executing an action.

This largely exists to hold a single association of an action, environment, list of environment override dictionaries, targets and sources for later processing as needed.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, action, env=None, overridelist=[{}], targets=[], sources=[], builder_kw={})
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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get_lvars(self) source code
_get_changes(self) source code
_get_changed_sources(self, *args, **kw) source code
_get_changed_targets(self, *args, **kw) source code
_get_source(self, *args, **kw) source code
_get_sources(self, *args, **kw) source code
_get_target(self, *args, **kw) source code
_get_targets(self, *args, **kw) source code
_get_unchanged_sources(self, *args, **kw) source code
_get_unchanged_targets(self, *args, **kw) source code
get_action_targets(self) source code
set_action_list(self, action) source code
get_action_list(self) source code
Returns all targets for all batches of this Executor.
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Returns all sources for all batches of this Executor.
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Returns all unique children (dependencies) for all batches of this Executor.
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Returns all unique (order-only) prerequisites for all batches of this Executor.
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Returns all side effects for all batches of this Executor used by the underlying Action.
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Fetch or create the appropriate build Environment for this Executor.
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get_build_scanner_path(self, scanner)
Fetch the scanner path for this executor's targets and sources.
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get_kw(self, kw={}) source code
__call__(self, target, **kw) source code
cleanup(self) source code
add_sources(self, sources)
Add source files to this Executor's list. This is necessary for "multi" Builders that can be called repeatedly to build up a source file list for a given target.
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get_sources(self) source code
add_batch(self, targets, sources)
Add pair of associated target and source to this Executor's list. This is necessary for "batch" Builders that can be called repeatedly to build up a list of matching target and source files that will be used in order to update multiple target files at once from multiple corresponding source files, for tools like MSVC that support it.
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Preparatory checks for whether this Executor can go ahead and (try to) build its targets.
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add_pre_action(self, action) source code
add_post_action(self, action) source code
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nullify(self) source code
Fetch the signature contents. This is the main reason this class exists, so we can compute this once and cache it regardless of how many target or source Nodes there are.
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Fetch a time stamp for this Executor. We don't have one, of course (only files do), but this is the interface used by the timestamp module.
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scan_targets(self, scanner) source code
scan_sources(self, scanner) source code
scan(self, scanner, node_list)
Scan a list of this Executor's files (targets or sources) for implicit dependencies and update all of the targets with them. This essentially short-circuits an N*M scan of the sources for each individual target, which is a hell of a lot more efficient.
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_get_unignored_sources_key(self, node, ignore=()) source code
get_unignored_sources(self, node, ignore=()) source code
Return the executor's implicit dependencies, i.e. the nodes of the commands to be executed.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, action, env=None, overridelist=[{}], targets=[], sources=[], builder_kw={})

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Returns all unique children (dependencies) for all batches of this Executor.

The Taskmaster can recognize when it's already evaluated a Node, so we don't have to make this list unique for its intended canonical use case, but we expect there to be a lot of redundancy (long lists of batched .cc files #including the same .h files over and over), so removing the duplicates once up front should save the Taskmaster a lot of work.


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Fetch or create the appropriate build Environment for this Executor.
  • @SCons.Memoize.CountMethodCall

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)


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Fetch the signature contents. This is the main reason this class exists, so we can compute this once and cache it regardless of how many target or source Nodes there are.

Returns bytes

  • @SCons.Memoize.CountMethodCall

get_unignored_sources(self, node, ignore=())

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  • @SCons.Memoize.CountDictCall(_get_unignored_sources_key)