Package SCons :: Package compat :: Module _scons_sets :: Class BaseSet
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Class BaseSet

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object --+
Known Subclasses:
ImmutableSet, Set, _TemporarilyImmutableSet

Common base class for mutable and immutable sets.

Instance Methods [hide private]
This is an abstract class.
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Return the number of elements of a set.
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Return string representation of a set.
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Return string representation of a set.
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_repr(self, sort_them=False) source code
Return an iterator over the elements or a set.
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__cmp__(self, other) source code
__eq__(self, other) source code
__ne__(self, other) source code
Return a shallow copy of a set.
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Return a shallow copy of a set.
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__deepcopy__(self, memo)
Return a deep copy of a set; used by copy module.
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__or__(self, other)
Return the union of two sets as a new set.
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union(self, other)
Return the union of two sets as a new set.
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__and__(self, other)
Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
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intersection(self, other)
Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
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__xor__(self, other)
Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.
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symmetric_difference(self, other)
Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.
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__sub__(self, other)
Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.
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difference(self, other)
Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.
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__contains__(self, element)
Report whether an element is a member of a set.
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issubset(self, other)
Report whether another set contains this set.
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issuperset(self, other)
Report whether this set contains another set.
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__le__(self, other)
Report whether another set contains this set.
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__ge__(self, other)
Report whether this set contains another set.
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__lt__(self, other) source code
__gt__(self, other) source code
_binary_sanity_check(self, other) source code
_compute_hash(self) source code
_update(self, iterable) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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This is an abstract class.

Overrides: object.__init__

(Representation operator)

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Return string representation of a set.

This looks like 'Set([<list of elements>])'.

Overrides: object.__repr__

(Informal representation operator)

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Return string representation of a set.

This looks like 'Set([<list of elements>])'.

Overrides: object.__str__


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Return an iterator over the elements or a set.

This is the keys iterator for the underlying dict.

__or__(self, other)
(Or operator)

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Return the union of two sets as a new set.

(I.e. all elements that are in either set.)

union(self, other)

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Return the union of two sets as a new set.

(I.e. all elements that are in either set.)

__and__(self, other)
(And operator)

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Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.

(I.e. all elements that are in both sets.)

intersection(self, other)

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Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.

(I.e. all elements that are in both sets.)

__xor__(self, other)

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Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.

(I.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)

symmetric_difference(self, other)

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Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.

(I.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)

__sub__(self, other)
(Subtraction operator)

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Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.

(I.e. all elements that are in this set and not in the other.)

difference(self, other)

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Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.

(I.e. all elements that are in this set and not in the other.)

__contains__(self, element)
(In operator)

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Report whether an element is a member of a set.

(Called in response to the expression `element in self'.)