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SCons string substitution.
Literal A wrapper for a string. |
SpecialAttrWrapper This is a wrapper for what we call a 'Node special attribute.' This is any of the attributes of a Node that we can reference from Environment variable substitution, such as $TARGET.abspath or $SOURCES[1].filebase. |
CmdStringHolder This is a special class used to hold strings generated by scons_subst() and scons_subst_list(). |
NLWrapper A wrapper class that delays turning a list of sources or targets into a NodeList until it's needed. |
Targets_or_Sources A class that implements $TARGETS or $SOURCES expansions by in turn wrapping a NLWrapper. |
Target_or_Source A class that implements $TARGET or $SOURCE expansions by in turn wrapping a NLWrapper. |
NullNodeList |
__revision__ =
_strconv = [SCons.Util.to_String_for_subst, SCons.Util.to_Stri
AllowableExceptions =
NullNodesList = Null(0x01B88EF0)
_rm = re.compile(r'\$
_remove = re.compile(r'\$\(
_regex_remove =
_list_remove = [_rm_list, None, _remove_list]
_dollar_exps_str =
_dollar_exps = re.compile(r'
_separate_args = re.compile(r'
_space_sep = re.compile(r'
__package__ =
Create a dictionary for substitution of special construction variables. This translates the following special arguments:
Expand a string or list containing construction variable substitutions. This is the work-horse function for substitutions in file names and the like. The companion scons_subst_list() function (below) handles separating command lines into lists of arguments, so see that function if that's what you're looking for. |
Substitute construction variables in a string (or list or other object) and separate the arguments into a command list. The companion scons_subst() function (above) handles basic substitutions within strings, so see that function instead if that's what you're looking for. |
Perform single (non-recursive) substitution of a single construction variable keyword. This is used when setting a variable when copying or overriding values in an Environment. We want to capture (expand) the old value before we override it, so people can do things like: env2 = env.Clone(CCFLAGS = '$CCFLAGS -g') We do this with some straightforward, brute-force code here... |
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