SCons 4.5.0

Reference Manual

Steven Knight

Steven Knight

version 4.5.0


Table of Contents

1. Preface
1.1. Why SCons?
1.2. History
1.3. Conventions
1.4. Acknowledgements
1.5. Contact
2. Builder Reference
2.1. The Alias Builder
2.1.1. The Alias Method
2.2. The CFile Builder
2.2.1. The CFile Method
2.3. The Command Builder
2.3.1. The Command Method
2.4. The CXXFile Builder
2.4.1. The CXXFile Method
2.5. The Install Builder
2.5.1. The Install Method
2.6. The InstallAs Builder
2.6.1. The InstallAs Method
2.7. The Library Builder
2.7.1. Linking With a Library
2.7.2. Creating a Library
2.7.3. The Library Builder
2.8. The Object Builder
2.8.1. The Object Method
2.9. The PCH Builder
2.9.1. The PCH Method
2.10. The PDF Builder
2.10.1. The PDF Method
2.11. The PDF Builder
2.11.1. The PostScript Method
2.12. The Program Builder
2.12.1. The Program Builder
2.13. The RES Builder
2.13.1. The RES Method
2.14. The SharedLibrary Builder
2.14.1. The SharedLibrary Method
2.15. The SharedObject Builder
2.15.1. The SharedObject Method
2.16. The StaticLibrary Builder
2.16.1. The StaticLibrary Method
2.17. The StaticObject Builder
2.17.1. The StaticObject Method
3. Errors Generated by SCons
3.1. X