Package SCons :: Module Environment
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Source Code for Module SCons.Environment

   1  """SCons.Environment 
   3  Base class for construction Environments.  These are 
   4  the primary objects used to communicate dependency and 
   5  construction information to the build engine. 
   7  Keyword arguments supplied when the construction Environment 
   8  is created are construction variables used to initialize the 
   9  Environment 
  10  """ 
  12  # 
  13  # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 The SCons Foundation 
  14  # 
  15  # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining 
  16  # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 
  17  # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including 
  18  # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, 
  19  # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to 
  20  # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to 
  21  # the following conditions: 
  22  # 
  23  # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included 
  24  # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 
  25  # 
  34  __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/  2014/03/02 14:18:15 garyo" 
  37  import copy 
  38  import os 
  39  import sys 
  40  import re 
  41  import shlex 
  42  from collections import UserDict 
  44  import SCons.Action 
  45  import SCons.Builder 
  46  import SCons.Debug 
  47  from SCons.Debug import logInstanceCreation 
  48  import SCons.Defaults 
  49  import SCons.Errors 
  50  import SCons.Memoize 
  51  import SCons.Node 
  52  import SCons.Node.Alias 
  53  import SCons.Node.FS 
  54  import SCons.Node.Python 
  55  import SCons.Platform 
  56  import SCons.SConf 
  57  import SCons.SConsign 
  58  import SCons.Subst 
  59  import SCons.Tool 
  60  import SCons.Util 
  61  import SCons.Warnings 
63 -class _Null(object):
64 pass
65 66 _null = _Null 67 68 _warn_copy_deprecated = True 69 _warn_source_signatures_deprecated = True 70 _warn_target_signatures_deprecated = True 71 72 CleanTargets = {} 73 CalculatorArgs = {} 74 75 semi_deepcopy = SCons.Util.semi_deepcopy 76 semi_deepcopy_dict = SCons.Util.semi_deepcopy_dict 77 78 # Pull UserError into the global name space for the benefit of 79 # Environment().SourceSignatures(), which has some import statements 80 # which seem to mess up its ability to reference SCons directly. 81 UserError = SCons.Errors.UserError 82
83 -def alias_builder(env, target, source):
84 pass
85 86 AliasBuilder = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = alias_builder, 87 target_factory = SCons.Node.Alias.default_ans.Alias, 88 source_factory = SCons.Node.FS.Entry, 89 multi = 1, 90 is_explicit = None, 91 name='AliasBuilder') 92
93 -def apply_tools(env, tools, toolpath):
94 # Store the toolpath in the Environment. 95 if toolpath is not None: 96 env['toolpath'] = toolpath 97 98 if not tools: 99 return 100 # Filter out null tools from the list. 101 for tool in [_f for _f in tools if _f]: 102 if SCons.Util.is_List(tool) or isinstance(tool, tuple): 103 toolname = tool[0] 104 toolargs = tool[1] # should be a dict of kw args 105 tool = env.Tool(toolname, **toolargs) 106 else: 107 env.Tool(tool)
108 109 # These names are (or will be) controlled by SCons; users should never 110 # set or override them. This warning can optionally be turned off, 111 # but scons will still ignore the illegal variable names even if it's off. 112 reserved_construction_var_names = [ 113 'CHANGED_SOURCES', 114 'CHANGED_TARGETS', 115 'SOURCE', 116 'SOURCES', 117 'TARGET', 118 'TARGETS', 119 'UNCHANGED_SOURCES', 120 'UNCHANGED_TARGETS', 121 ] 122 123 future_reserved_construction_var_names = [ 124 #'HOST_OS', 125 #'HOST_ARCH', 126 #'HOST_CPU', 127 ] 128
129 -def copy_non_reserved_keywords(dict):
130 result = semi_deepcopy(dict) 131 for k in result.keys(): 132 if k in reserved_construction_var_names: 133 msg = "Ignoring attempt to set reserved variable `$%s'" 134 SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.ReservedVariableWarning, msg % k) 135 del result[k] 136 return result
138 -def _set_reserved(env, key, value):
139 msg = "Ignoring attempt to set reserved variable `$%s'" 140 SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.ReservedVariableWarning, msg % key)
142 -def _set_future_reserved(env, key, value):
143 env._dict[key] = value 144 msg = "`$%s' will be reserved in a future release and setting it will become ignored" 145 SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.FutureReservedVariableWarning, msg % key)
147 -def _set_BUILDERS(env, key, value):
148 try: 149 bd = env._dict[key] 150 for k in bd.keys(): 151 del bd[k] 152 except KeyError: 153 bd = BuilderDict(kwbd, env) 154 env._dict[key] = bd 155 for k, v in value.items(): 156 if not SCons.Builder.is_a_Builder(v): 157 raise SCons.Errors.UserError('%s is not a Builder.' % repr(v)) 158 bd.update(value)
160 -def _del_SCANNERS(env, key):
161 del env._dict[key] 162 env.scanner_map_delete()
164 -def _set_SCANNERS(env, key, value):
165 env._dict[key] = value 166 env.scanner_map_delete()
168 -def _delete_duplicates(l, keep_last):
169 """Delete duplicates from a sequence, keeping the first or last.""" 170 seen={} 171 result=[] 172 if keep_last: # reverse in & out, then keep first 173 l.reverse() 174 for i in l: 175 try: 176 if i not in seen: 177 result.append(i) 178 seen[i]=1 179 except TypeError: 180 # probably unhashable. Just keep it. 181 result.append(i) 182 if keep_last: 183 result.reverse() 184 return result
185 186 187 188 # The following is partly based on code in a comment added by Peter 189 # Shannon at the following page (there called the "transplant" class): 190 # 191 # ASPN : Python Cookbook : Dynamically added methods to a class 192 # 193 # 194 # We had independently been using the idiom as BuilderWrapper, but 195 # factoring out the common parts into this base class, and making 196 # BuilderWrapper a subclass that overrides __call__() to enforce specific 197 # Builder calling conventions, simplified some of our higher-layer code. 198
199 -class MethodWrapper(object):
200 """ 201 A generic Wrapper class that associates a method (which can 202 actually be any callable) with an object. As part of creating this 203 MethodWrapper object an attribute with the specified (by default, 204 the name of the supplied method) is added to the underlying object. 205 When that new "method" is called, our __call__() method adds the 206 object as the first argument, simulating the Python behavior of 207 supplying "self" on method calls. 208 209 We hang on to the name by which the method was added to the underlying 210 base class so that we can provide a method to "clone" ourselves onto 211 a new underlying object being copied (without which we wouldn't need 212 to save that info). 213 """
214 - def __init__(self, object, method, name=None):
215 if name is None: 216 name = method.__name__ 217 self.object = object 218 self.method = method 219 = name 220 setattr(self.object, name, self)
222 - def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
223 nargs = (self.object,) + args 224 return self.method(*nargs, **kwargs)
226 - def clone(self, new_object):
227 """ 228 Returns an object that re-binds the underlying "method" to 229 the specified new object. 230 """ 231 return self.__class__(new_object, self.method,
233 -class BuilderWrapper(MethodWrapper):
234 """ 235 A MethodWrapper subclass that that associates an environment with 236 a Builder. 237 238 This mainly exists to wrap the __call__() function so that all calls 239 to Builders can have their argument lists massaged in the same way 240 (treat a lone argument as the source, treat two arguments as target 241 then source, make sure both target and source are lists) without 242 having to have cut-and-paste code to do it. 243 244 As a bit of obsessive backwards compatibility, we also intercept 245 attempts to get or set the "env" or "builder" attributes, which were 246 the names we used before we put the common functionality into the 247 MethodWrapper base class. We'll keep this around for a while in case 248 people shipped Tool modules that reached into the wrapper (like the 249 Tool/ module does, or did). There shouldn't be a lot attribute 250 fetching or setting on these, so a little extra work shouldn't hurt. 251 """
252 - def __call__(self, target=None, source=_null, *args, **kw):
253 if source is _null: 254 source = target 255 target = None 256 if target is not None and not SCons.Util.is_List(target): 257 target = [target] 258 if source is not None and not SCons.Util.is_List(source): 259 source = [source] 260 return MethodWrapper.__call__(self, target, source, *args, **kw)
262 - def __repr__(self):
263 return '<BuilderWrapper %s>' % repr(
265 - def __str__(self):
266 return self.__repr__()
268 - def __getattr__(self, name):
269 if name == 'env': 270 return self.object 271 elif name == 'builder': 272 return self.method 273 else: 274 raise AttributeError(name)
276 - def __setattr__(self, name, value):
277 if name == 'env': 278 self.object = value 279 elif name == 'builder': 280 self.method = value 281 else: 282 self.__dict__[name] = value
283 284 # This allows a Builder to be executed directly 285 # through the Environment to which it's attached. 286 # In practice, we shouldn't need this, because 287 # builders actually get executed through a Node. 288 # But we do have a unit test for this, and can't 289 # yet rule out that it would be useful in the 290 # future, so leave it for now. 291 #def execute(self, **kw): 292 # kw['env'] = self.env 293 # self.builder.execute(**kw) 294
295 -class BuilderDict(UserDict):
296 """This is a dictionary-like class used by an Environment to hold 297 the Builders. We need to do this because every time someone changes 298 the Builders in the Environment's BUILDERS dictionary, we must 299 update the Environment's attributes."""
300 - def __init__(self, dict, env):
301 # Set self.env before calling the superclass initialization, 302 # because it will end up calling our other methods, which will 303 # need to point the values in this dictionary to self.env. 304 self.env = env 305 UserDict.__init__(self, dict)
307 - def __semi_deepcopy__(self):
308 # These cannot be copied since they would both modify the same builder object, and indeed 309 # just copying would modify the original builder 310 raise TypeError( 'cannot semi_deepcopy a BuilderDict' )
312 - def __setitem__(self, item, val):
313 try: 314 method = getattr(self.env, item).method 315 except AttributeError: 316 pass 317 else: 318 self.env.RemoveMethod(method) 319 UserDict.__setitem__(self, item, val) 320 BuilderWrapper(self.env, val, item)
322 - def __delitem__(self, item):
323 UserDict.__delitem__(self, item) 324 delattr(self.env, item)
326 - def update(self, dict):
327 for i, v in dict.items(): 328 self.__setitem__(i, v)
329 330 331 332 _is_valid_var = re.compile(r'[_a-zA-Z]\w*$') 333
334 -def is_valid_construction_var(varstr):
335 """Return if the specified string is a legitimate construction 336 variable. 337 """ 338 return _is_valid_var.match(varstr)
339 340 341
342 -class SubstitutionEnvironment(object):
343 """Base class for different flavors of construction environments. 344 345 This class contains a minimal set of methods that handle contruction 346 variable expansion and conversion of strings to Nodes, which may or 347 may not be actually useful as a stand-alone class. Which methods 348 ended up in this class is pretty arbitrary right now. They're 349 basically the ones which we've empirically determined are common to 350 the different construction environment subclasses, and most of the 351 others that use or touch the underlying dictionary of construction 352 variables. 353 354 Eventually, this class should contain all the methods that we 355 determine are necessary for a "minimal" interface to the build engine. 356 A full "native Python" SCons environment has gotten pretty heavyweight 357 with all of the methods and Tools and construction variables we've 358 jammed in there, so it would be nice to have a lighter weight 359 alternative for interfaces that don't need all of the bells and 360 whistles. (At some point, we'll also probably rename this class 361 "Base," since that more reflects what we want this class to become, 362 but because we've released comments that tell people to subclass 363 Environment.Base to create their own flavors of construction 364 environment, we'll save that for a future refactoring when this 365 class actually becomes useful.) 366 """ 367 368 if SCons.Memoize.use_memoizer: 369 __metaclass__ = SCons.Memoize.Memoized_Metaclass 370
371 - def __init__(self, **kw):
372 """Initialization of an underlying SubstitutionEnvironment class. 373 """ 374 if SCons.Debug.track_instances: logInstanceCreation(self, 'Environment.SubstitutionEnvironment') 375 self.fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs() 376 self.ans = SCons.Node.Alias.default_ans 377 self.lookup_list = SCons.Node.arg2nodes_lookups 378 self._dict = kw.copy() 379 self._init_special() 380 self.added_methods = []
381 #self._memo = {} 382
383 - def _init_special(self):
384 """Initial the dispatch tables for special handling of 385 special construction variables.""" 386 self._special_del = {} 387 self._special_del['SCANNERS'] = _del_SCANNERS 388 389 self._special_set = {} 390 for key in reserved_construction_var_names: 391 self._special_set[key] = _set_reserved 392 for key in future_reserved_construction_var_names: 393 self._special_set[key] = _set_future_reserved 394 self._special_set['BUILDERS'] = _set_BUILDERS 395 self._special_set['SCANNERS'] = _set_SCANNERS 396 397 # Freeze the keys of self._special_set in a list for use by 398 # methods that need to check. (Empirically, list scanning has 399 # gotten better than dict.has_key() in Python 2.5.) 400 self._special_set_keys = list(self._special_set.keys())
402 - def __cmp__(self, other):
403 return cmp(self._dict, other._dict)
405 - def __delitem__(self, key):
406 special = self._special_del.get(key) 407 if special: 408 special(self, key) 409 else: 410 del self._dict[key]
412 - def __getitem__(self, key):
413 return self._dict[key]
415 - def __setitem__(self, key, value):
416 # This is heavily used. This implementation is the best we have 417 # according to the timings in bench/ 418 # 419 # The "key in self._special_set_keys" test here seems to perform 420 # pretty well for the number of keys we have. A hard-coded 421 # list works a little better in Python 2.5, but that has the 422 # disadvantage of maybe getting out of sync if we ever add more 423 # variable names. Using self._special_set.has_key() works a 424 # little better in Python 2.4, but is worse than this test. 425 # So right now it seems like a good trade-off, but feel free to 426 # revisit this with bench/ as needed (and 427 # as newer versions of Python come out). 428 if key in self._special_set_keys: 429 self._special_set[key](self, key, value) 430 else: 431 # If we already have the entry, then it's obviously a valid 432 # key and we don't need to check. If we do check, using a 433 # global, pre-compiled regular expression directly is more 434 # efficient than calling another function or a method. 435 if key not in self._dict \ 436 and not _is_valid_var.match(key): 437 raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Illegal construction variable `%s'" % key) 438 self._dict[key] = value
440 - def get(self, key, default=None):
441 """Emulates the get() method of dictionaries.""" 442 return self._dict.get(key, default)
444 - def has_key(self, key):
445 return key in self._dict
447 - def __contains__(self, key):
448 return self._dict.__contains__(key)
450 - def items(self):
451 return list(self._dict.items())
453 - def arg2nodes(self, args, node_factory=_null, lookup_list=_null, **kw):
454 if node_factory is _null: 455 node_factory = self.fs.File 456 if lookup_list is _null: 457 lookup_list = self.lookup_list 458 459 if not args: 460 return [] 461 462 args = SCons.Util.flatten(args) 463 464 nodes = [] 465 for v in args: 466 if SCons.Util.is_String(v): 467 n = None 468 for l in lookup_list: 469 n = l(v) 470 if n is not None: 471 break 472 if n is not None: 473 if SCons.Util.is_String(n): 474 # n = self.subst(n, raw=1, **kw) 475 kw['raw'] = 1 476 n = self.subst(n, **kw) 477 if node_factory: 478 n = node_factory(n) 479 if SCons.Util.is_List(n): 480 nodes.extend(n) 481 else: 482 nodes.append(n) 483 elif node_factory: 484 # v = node_factory(self.subst(v, raw=1, **kw)) 485 kw['raw'] = 1 486 v = node_factory(self.subst(v, **kw)) 487 if SCons.Util.is_List(v): 488 nodes.extend(v) 489 else: 490 nodes.append(v) 491 else: 492 nodes.append(v) 493 494 return nodes
496 - def gvars(self):
497 return self._dict
499 - def lvars(self):
500 return {}
502 - def subst(self, string, raw=0, target=None, source=None, conv=None, executor=None):
503 """Recursively interpolates construction variables from the 504 Environment into the specified string, returning the expanded 505 result. Construction variables are specified by a $ prefix 506 in the string and begin with an initial underscore or 507 alphabetic character followed by any number of underscores 508 or alphanumeric characters. The construction variable names 509 may be surrounded by curly braces to separate the name from 510 trailing characters. 511 """ 512 gvars = self.gvars() 513 lvars = self.lvars() 514 lvars['__env__'] = self 515 if executor: 516 lvars.update(executor.get_lvars()) 517 return SCons.Subst.scons_subst(string, self, raw, target, source, gvars, lvars, conv)
519 - def subst_kw(self, kw, raw=0, target=None, source=None):
520 nkw = {} 521 for k, v in kw.items(): 522 k = self.subst(k, raw, target, source) 523 if SCons.Util.is_String(v): 524 v = self.subst(v, raw, target, source) 525 nkw[k] = v 526 return nkw
528 - def subst_list(self, string, raw=0, target=None, source=None, conv=None, executor=None):
529 """Calls through to SCons.Subst.scons_subst_list(). See 530 the documentation for that function.""" 531 gvars = self.gvars() 532 lvars = self.lvars() 533 lvars['__env__'] = self 534 if executor: 535 lvars.update(executor.get_lvars()) 536 return SCons.Subst.scons_subst_list(string, self, raw, target, source, gvars, lvars, conv)
538 - def subst_path(self, path, target=None, source=None):
539 """Substitute a path list, turning EntryProxies into Nodes 540 and leaving Nodes (and other objects) as-is.""" 541 542 if not SCons.Util.is_List(path): 543 path = [path] 544 545 def s(obj): 546 """This is the "string conversion" routine that we have our 547 substitutions use to return Nodes, not strings. This relies 548 on the fact that an EntryProxy object has a get() method that 549 returns the underlying Node that it wraps, which is a bit of 550 architectural dependence that we might need to break or modify 551 in the future in response to additional requirements.""" 552 try: 553 get = obj.get 554 except AttributeError: 555 obj = SCons.Util.to_String_for_subst(obj) 556 else: 557 obj = get() 558 return obj
559 560 r = [] 561 for p in path: 562 if SCons.Util.is_String(p): 563 p = self.subst(p, target=target, source=source, conv=s) 564 if SCons.Util.is_List(p): 565 if len(p) == 1: 566 p = p[0] 567 else: 568 # We have an object plus a string, or multiple 569 # objects that we need to smush together. No choice 570 # but to make them into a string. 571 p = ''.join(map(SCons.Util.to_String_for_subst, p)) 572 else: 573 p = s(p) 574 r.append(p) 575 return r
576 577 subst_target_source = subst 578
579 - def backtick(self, command):
580 import subprocess 581 # common arguments 582 kw = { 'stdin' : 'devnull', 583 'stdout' : subprocess.PIPE, 584 'stderr' : subprocess.PIPE, 585 'universal_newlines' : True, 586 } 587 # if the command is a list, assume it's been quoted 588 # othewise force a shell 589 if not SCons.Util.is_List(command): kw['shell'] = True 590 # run constructed command 591 p = SCons.Action._subproc(self, command, **kw) 592 out,err = p.communicate() 593 status = p.wait() 594 if err: 595 sys.stderr.write(unicode(err)) 596 if status: 597 raise OSError("'%s' exited %d" % (command, status)) 598 return out
600 - def AddMethod(self, function, name=None):
601 """ 602 Adds the specified function as a method of this construction 603 environment with the specified name. If the name is omitted, 604 the default name is the name of the function itself. 605 """ 606 method = MethodWrapper(self, function, name) 607 self.added_methods.append(method)
609 - def RemoveMethod(self, function):
610 """ 611 Removes the specified function's MethodWrapper from the 612 added_methods list, so we don't re-bind it when making a clone. 613 """ 614 self.added_methods = [dm for dm in self.added_methods if not dm.method is function]
616 - def Override(self, overrides):
617 """ 618 Produce a modified environment whose variables are overriden by 619 the overrides dictionaries. "overrides" is a dictionary that 620 will override the variables of this environment. 621 622 This function is much more efficient than Clone() or creating 623 a new Environment because it doesn't copy the construction 624 environment dictionary, it just wraps the underlying construction 625 environment, and doesn't even create a wrapper object if there 626 are no overrides. 627 """ 628 if not overrides: return self 629 o = copy_non_reserved_keywords(overrides) 630 if not o: return self 631 overrides = {} 632 merges = None 633 for key, value in o.items(): 634 if key == 'parse_flags': 635 merges = value 636 else: 637 overrides[key] = SCons.Subst.scons_subst_once(value, self, key) 638 env = OverrideEnvironment(self, overrides) 639 if merges: env.MergeFlags(merges) 640 return env
642 - def ParseFlags(self, *flags):
643 """ 644 Parse the set of flags and return a dict with the flags placed 645 in the appropriate entry. The flags are treated as a typical 646 set of command-line flags for a GNU-like toolchain and used to 647 populate the entries in the dict immediately below. If one of 648 the flag strings begins with a bang (exclamation mark), it is 649 assumed to be a command and the rest of the string is executed; 650 the result of that evaluation is then added to the dict. 651 """ 652 dict = { 653 'ASFLAGS' : SCons.Util.CLVar(''), 654 'CFLAGS' : SCons.Util.CLVar(''), 655 'CCFLAGS' : SCons.Util.CLVar(''), 656 'CXXFLAGS' : SCons.Util.CLVar(''), 657 'CPPDEFINES' : [], 658 'CPPFLAGS' : SCons.Util.CLVar(''), 659 'CPPPATH' : [], 660 'FRAMEWORKPATH' : SCons.Util.CLVar(''), 661 'FRAMEWORKS' : SCons.Util.CLVar(''), 662 'LIBPATH' : [], 663 'LIBS' : [], 664 'LINKFLAGS' : SCons.Util.CLVar(''), 665 'RPATH' : [], 666 } 667 668 def do_parse(arg): 669 # if arg is a sequence, recurse with each element 670 if not arg: 671 return 672 673 if not SCons.Util.is_String(arg): 674 for t in arg: do_parse(t) 675 return 676 677 # if arg is a command, execute it 678 if arg[0] == '!': 679 arg = self.backtick(arg[1:]) 680 681 # utility function to deal with -D option 682 def append_define(name, dict = dict): 683 t = name.split('=') 684 if len(t) == 1: 685 dict['CPPDEFINES'].append(name) 686 else: 687 dict['CPPDEFINES'].append([t[0], '='.join(t[1:])])
688 689 # Loop through the flags and add them to the appropriate option. 690 # This tries to strike a balance between checking for all possible 691 # flags and keeping the logic to a finite size, so it doesn't 692 # check for some that don't occur often. It particular, if the 693 # flag is not known to occur in a config script and there's a way 694 # of passing the flag to the right place (by wrapping it in a -W 695 # flag, for example) we don't check for it. Note that most 696 # preprocessor options are not handled, since unhandled options 697 # are placed in CCFLAGS, so unless the preprocessor is invoked 698 # separately, these flags will still get to the preprocessor. 699 # Other options not currently handled: 700 # -iqoutedir (preprocessor search path) 701 # -u symbol (linker undefined symbol) 702 # -s (linker strip files) 703 # -static* (linker static binding) 704 # -shared* (linker dynamic binding) 705 # -symbolic (linker global binding) 706 # -R dir (deprecated linker rpath) 707 # IBM compilers may also accept -qframeworkdir=foo 708 709 params = shlex.split(arg) 710 append_next_arg_to = None # for multi-word args 711 for arg in params: 712 if append_next_arg_to: 713 if append_next_arg_to == 'CPPDEFINES': 714 append_define(arg) 715 elif append_next_arg_to == '-include': 716 t = ('-include', self.fs.File(arg)) 717 dict['CCFLAGS'].append(t) 718 elif append_next_arg_to == '-isysroot': 719 t = ('-isysroot', arg) 720 dict['CCFLAGS'].append(t) 721 dict['LINKFLAGS'].append(t) 722 elif append_next_arg_to == '-arch': 723 t = ('-arch', arg) 724 dict['CCFLAGS'].append(t) 725 dict['LINKFLAGS'].append(t) 726 else: 727 dict[append_next_arg_to].append(arg) 728 append_next_arg_to = None 729 elif not arg[0] in ['-', '+']: 730 dict['LIBS'].append(self.fs.File(arg)) 731 elif arg == '-dylib_file': 732 dict['LINKFLAGS'].append(arg) 733 append_next_arg_to = 'LINKFLAGS' 734 elif arg[:2] == '-L': 735 if arg[2:]: 736 dict['LIBPATH'].append(arg[2:]) 737 else: 738 append_next_arg_to = 'LIBPATH' 739 elif arg[:2] == '-l': 740 if arg[2:]: 741 dict['LIBS'].append(arg[2:]) 742 else: 743 append_next_arg_to = 'LIBS' 744 elif arg[:2] == '-I': 745 if arg[2:]: 746 dict['CPPPATH'].append(arg[2:]) 747 else: 748 append_next_arg_to = 'CPPPATH' 749 elif arg[:4] == '-Wa,': 750 dict['ASFLAGS'].append(arg[4:]) 751 dict['CCFLAGS'].append(arg) 752 elif arg[:4] == '-Wl,': 753 if arg[:11] == '-Wl,-rpath=': 754 dict['RPATH'].append(arg[11:]) 755 elif arg[:7] == '-Wl,-R,': 756 dict['RPATH'].append(arg[7:]) 757 elif arg[:6] == '-Wl,-R': 758 dict['RPATH'].append(arg[6:]) 759 else: 760 dict['LINKFLAGS'].append(arg) 761 elif arg[:4] == '-Wp,': 762 dict['CPPFLAGS'].append(arg) 763 elif arg[:2] == '-D': 764 if arg[2:]: 765 append_define(arg[2:]) 766 else: 767 append_next_arg_to = 'CPPDEFINES' 768 elif arg == '-framework': 769 append_next_arg_to = 'FRAMEWORKS' 770 elif arg[:14] == '-frameworkdir=': 771 dict['FRAMEWORKPATH'].append(arg[14:]) 772 elif arg[:2] == '-F': 773 if arg[2:]: 774 dict['FRAMEWORKPATH'].append(arg[2:]) 775 else: 776 append_next_arg_to = 'FRAMEWORKPATH' 777 elif arg in ['-mno-cygwin', 778 '-pthread', 779 '-openmp', 780 '-fopenmp']: 781 dict['CCFLAGS'].append(arg) 782 dict['LINKFLAGS'].append(arg) 783 elif arg == '-mwindows': 784 dict['LINKFLAGS'].append(arg) 785 elif arg[:5] == '-std=': 786 if arg[5:].find('++')!=-1: 787 key='CXXFLAGS' 788 else: 789 key='CFLAGS' 790 dict[key].append(arg) 791 elif arg[0] == '+': 792 dict['CCFLAGS'].append(arg) 793 dict['LINKFLAGS'].append(arg) 794 elif arg in ['-include', '-isysroot', '-arch']: 795 append_next_arg_to = arg 796 else: 797 dict['CCFLAGS'].append(arg) 798 799 for arg in flags: 800 do_parse(arg) 801 return dict 802
803 - def MergeFlags(self, args, unique=1, dict=None):
804 """ 805 Merge the dict in args into the construction variables of this 806 env, or the passed-in dict. If args is not a dict, it is 807 converted into a dict using ParseFlags. If unique is not set, 808 the flags are appended rather than merged. 809 """ 810 811 if dict is None: 812 dict = self 813 if not SCons.Util.is_Dict(args): 814 args = self.ParseFlags(args) 815 if not unique: 816 self.Append(**args) 817 return self 818 for key, value in args.items(): 819 if not value: 820 continue 821 try: 822 orig = self[key] 823 except KeyError: 824 orig = value 825 else: 826 if not orig: 827 orig = value 828 elif value: 829 # Add orig and value. The logic here was lifted from 830 # part of env.Append() (see there for a lot of comments 831 # about the order in which things are tried) and is 832 # used mainly to handle coercion of strings to CLVar to 833 # "do the right thing" given (e.g.) an original CCFLAGS 834 # string variable like '-pipe -Wall'. 835 try: 836 orig = orig + value 837 except (KeyError, TypeError): 838 try: 839 add_to_orig = orig.append 840 except AttributeError: 841 value.insert(0, orig) 842 orig = value 843 else: 844 add_to_orig(value) 845 t = [] 846 if key[-4:] == 'PATH': 847 ### keep left-most occurence 848 for v in orig: 849 if v not in t: 850 t.append(v) 851 else: 852 ### keep right-most occurence 853 orig.reverse() 854 for v in orig: 855 if v not in t: 856 t.insert(0, v) 857 self[key] = t 858 return self
859 860 # def MergeShellPaths(self, args, prepend=1): 861 # """ 862 # Merge the dict in args into the shell environment in env['ENV']. 863 # Shell path elements are appended or prepended according to prepend. 864 865 # Uses Pre/AppendENVPath, so it always appends or prepends uniquely. 866 867 # Example: env.MergeShellPaths({'LIBPATH': '/usr/local/lib'}) 868 # prepends /usr/local/lib to env['ENV']['LIBPATH']. 869 # """ 870 871 # for pathname, pathval in args.items(): 872 # if not pathval: 873 # continue 874 # if prepend: 875 # self.PrependENVPath(pathname, pathval) 876 # else: 877 # self.AppendENVPath(pathname, pathval) 878 879
880 -def default_decide_source(dependency, target, prev_ni):
881 f = SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment().decide_source 882 return f(dependency, target, prev_ni)
884 -def default_decide_target(dependency, target, prev_ni):
885 f = SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment().decide_target 886 return f(dependency, target, prev_ni)
888 -def default_copy_from_cache(src, dst):
889 f = SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment().copy_from_cache 890 return f(src, dst)
892 -class Base(SubstitutionEnvironment):
893 """Base class for "real" construction Environments. These are the 894 primary objects used to communicate dependency and construction 895 information to the build engine. 896 897 Keyword arguments supplied when the construction Environment 898 is created are construction variables used to initialize the 899 Environment. 900 """ 901 902 memoizer_counters = [] 903 904 ####################################################################### 905 # This is THE class for interacting with the SCons build engine, 906 # and it contains a lot of stuff, so we're going to try to keep this 907 # a little organized by grouping the methods. 908 ####################################################################### 909 910 ####################################################################### 911 # Methods that make an Environment act like a dictionary. These have 912 # the expected standard names for Python mapping objects. Note that 913 # we don't actually make an Environment a subclass of UserDict for 914 # performance reasons. Note also that we only supply methods for 915 # dictionary functionality that we actually need and use. 916 ####################################################################### 917
918 - def __init__(self, 919 platform=None, 920 tools=None, 921 toolpath=None, 922 variables=None, 923 parse_flags = None, 924 **kw):
925 """ 926 Initialization of a basic SCons construction environment, 927 including setting up special construction variables like BUILDER, 928 PLATFORM, etc., and searching for and applying available Tools. 929 930 Note that we do *not* call the underlying base class 931 (SubsitutionEnvironment) initialization, because we need to 932 initialize things in a very specific order that doesn't work 933 with the much simpler base class initialization. 934 """ 935 if SCons.Debug.track_instances: logInstanceCreation(self, 'Environment.Base') 936 self._memo = {} 937 self.fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs() 938 self.ans = SCons.Node.Alias.default_ans 939 self.lookup_list = SCons.Node.arg2nodes_lookups 940 self._dict = semi_deepcopy(SCons.Defaults.ConstructionEnvironment) 941 self._init_special() 942 self.added_methods = [] 943 944 # We don't use AddMethod, or define these as methods in this 945 # class, because we *don't* want these functions to be bound 946 # methods. They need to operate independently so that the 947 # settings will work properly regardless of whether a given 948 # target ends up being built with a Base environment or an 949 # OverrideEnvironment or what have you. 950 self.decide_target = default_decide_target 951 self.decide_source = default_decide_source 952 953 self.copy_from_cache = default_copy_from_cache 954 955 self._dict['BUILDERS'] = BuilderDict(self._dict['BUILDERS'], self) 956 957 if platform is None: 958 platform = self._dict.get('PLATFORM', None) 959 if platform is None: 960 platform = SCons.Platform.Platform() 961 if SCons.Util.is_String(platform): 962 platform = SCons.Platform.Platform(platform) 963 self._dict['PLATFORM'] = str(platform) 964 platform(self) 965 966 self._dict['HOST_OS'] = self._dict.get('HOST_OS',None) 967 self._dict['HOST_ARCH'] = self._dict.get('HOST_ARCH',None) 968 969 # Now set defaults for TARGET_{OS|ARCH} 970 self._dict['TARGET_OS'] = self._dict.get('TARGET_OS',None) 971 self._dict['TARGET_ARCH'] = self._dict.get('TARGET_ARCH',None) 972 973 974 # Apply the passed-in and customizable variables to the 975 # environment before calling the tools, because they may use 976 # some of them during initialization. 977 if 'options' in kw: 978 # Backwards compatibility: they may stll be using the 979 # old "options" keyword. 980 variables = kw['options'] 981 del kw['options'] 982 self.Replace(**kw) 983 keys = list(kw.keys()) 984 if variables: 985 keys = keys + list(variables.keys()) 986 variables.Update(self) 987 988 save = {} 989 for k in keys: 990 try: 991 save[k] = self._dict[k] 992 except KeyError: 993 # No value may have been set if they tried to pass in a 994 # reserved variable name like TARGETS. 995 pass 996 997 SCons.Tool.Initializers(self) 998 999 if tools is None: 1000 tools = self._dict.get('TOOLS', None) 1001 if tools is None: 1002 tools = ['default'] 1003 apply_tools(self, tools, toolpath) 1004 1005 # Now restore the passed-in and customized variables 1006 # to the environment, since the values the user set explicitly 1007 # should override any values set by the tools. 1008 for key, val in save.items(): 1009 self._dict[key] = val 1010 1011 # Finally, apply any flags to be merged in 1012 if parse_flags: self.MergeFlags(parse_flags)
1013 1014 ####################################################################### 1015 # Utility methods that are primarily for internal use by SCons. 1016 # These begin with lower-case letters. 1017 ####################################################################### 1018
1019 - def get_builder(self, name):
1020 """Fetch the builder with the specified name from the environment. 1021 """ 1022 try: 1023 return self._dict['BUILDERS'][name] 1024 except KeyError: 1025 return None
1027 - def get_CacheDir(self):
1028 try: 1029 path = self._CacheDir_path 1030 except AttributeError: 1031 path = SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment()._CacheDir_path 1032 try: 1033 if path == self._last_CacheDir_path: 1034 return self._last_CacheDir 1035 except AttributeError: 1036 pass 1037 cd = SCons.CacheDir.CacheDir(path) 1038 self._last_CacheDir_path = path 1039 self._last_CacheDir = cd 1040 return cd
1042 - def get_factory(self, factory, default='File'):
1043 """Return a factory function for creating Nodes for this 1044 construction environment. 1045 """ 1046 name = default 1047 try: 1048 is_node = issubclass(factory, SCons.Node.FS.Base) 1049 except TypeError: 1050 # The specified factory isn't a Node itself--it's 1051 # most likely None, or possibly a callable. 1052 pass 1053 else: 1054 if is_node: 1055 # The specified factory is a Node (sub)class. Try to 1056 # return the FS method that corresponds to the Node's 1057 # name--that is, we return self.fs.Dir if they want a Dir, 1058 # self.fs.File for a File, etc. 1059 try: name = factory.__name__ 1060 except AttributeError: pass 1061 else: factory = None 1062 if not factory: 1063 # They passed us None, or we picked up a name from a specified 1064 # class, so return the FS method. (Note that we *don't* 1065 # use our own self.{Dir,File} methods because that would 1066 # cause env.subst() to be called twice on the file name, 1067 # interfering with files that have $$ in them.) 1068 factory = getattr(self.fs, name) 1069 return factory
1070 1071 memoizer_counters.append(SCons.Memoize.CountValue('_gsm')) 1072
1073 - def _gsm(self):
1074 try: 1075 return self._memo['_gsm'] 1076 except KeyError: 1077 pass 1078 1079 result = {} 1080 1081 try: 1082 scanners = self._dict['SCANNERS'] 1083 except KeyError: 1084 pass 1085 else: 1086 # Reverse the scanner list so that, if multiple scanners 1087 # claim they can scan the same suffix, earlier scanners 1088 # in the list will overwrite later scanners, so that 1089 # the result looks like a "first match" to the user. 1090 if not SCons.Util.is_List(scanners): 1091 scanners = [scanners] 1092 else: 1093 scanners = scanners[:] # copy so reverse() doesn't mod original 1094 scanners.reverse() 1095 for scanner in scanners: 1096 for k in scanner.get_skeys(self): 1097 if k and self['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': 1098 k = k.lower() 1099 result[k] = scanner 1100 1101 self._memo['_gsm'] = result 1102 1103 return result
1105 - def get_scanner(self, skey):
1106 """Find the appropriate scanner given a key (usually a file suffix). 1107 """ 1108 if skey and self['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': 1109 skey = skey.lower() 1110 return self._gsm().get(skey)
1112 - def scanner_map_delete(self, kw=None):
1113 """Delete the cached scanner map (if we need to). 1114 """ 1115 try: 1116 del self._memo['_gsm'] 1117 except KeyError: 1118 pass
1120 - def _update(self, dict):
1121 """Update an environment's values directly, bypassing the normal 1122 checks that occur when users try to set items. 1123 """ 1124 self._dict.update(dict)
1126 - def get_src_sig_type(self):
1127 try: 1128 return self.src_sig_type 1129 except AttributeError: 1130 t = SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment().src_sig_type 1131 self.src_sig_type = t 1132 return t
1134 - def get_tgt_sig_type(self):
1135 try: 1136 return self.tgt_sig_type 1137 except AttributeError: 1138 t = SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment().tgt_sig_type 1139 self.tgt_sig_type = t 1140 return t
1141 1142 ####################################################################### 1143 # Public methods for manipulating an Environment. These begin with 1144 # upper-case letters. The essential characteristic of methods in 1145 # this section is that they do *not* have corresponding same-named 1146 # global functions. For example, a stand-alone Append() function 1147 # makes no sense, because Append() is all about appending values to 1148 # an Environment's construction variables. 1149 ####################################################################### 1150
1151 - def Append(self, **kw):
1152 """Append values to existing construction variables 1153 in an Environment. 1154 """ 1155 kw = copy_non_reserved_keywords(kw) 1156 for key, val in kw.items(): 1157 # It would be easier on the eyes to write this using 1158 # "continue" statements whenever we finish processing an item, 1159 # but Python 1.5.2 apparently doesn't let you use "continue" 1160 # within try:-except: blocks, so we have to nest our code. 1161 try: 1162 if key == 'CPPDEFINES' and SCons.Util.is_String(self._dict[key]): 1163 self._dict[key] = [self._dict[key]] 1164 orig = self._dict[key] 1165 except KeyError: 1166 # No existing variable in the environment, so just set 1167 # it to the new value. 1168 if key == 'CPPDEFINES' and SCons.Util.is_String(val): 1169 self._dict[key] = [val] 1170 else: 1171 self._dict[key] = val 1172 else: 1173 try: 1174 # Check if the original looks like a dictionary. 1175 # If it is, we can't just try adding the value because 1176 # dictionaries don't have __add__() methods, and 1177 # things like UserList will incorrectly coerce the 1178 # original dict to a list (which we don't want). 1179 update_dict = orig.update 1180 except AttributeError: 1181 try: 1182 # Most straightforward: just try to add them 1183 # together. This will work in most cases, when the 1184 # original and new values are of compatible types. 1185 self._dict[key] = orig + val 1186 except (KeyError, TypeError): 1187 try: 1188 # Check if the original is a list. 1189 add_to_orig = orig.append 1190 except AttributeError: 1191 # The original isn't a list, but the new 1192 # value is (by process of elimination), 1193 # so insert the original in the new value 1194 # (if there's one to insert) and replace 1195 # the variable with it. 1196 if orig: 1197 val.insert(0, orig) 1198 self._dict[key] = val 1199 else: 1200 # The original is a list, so append the new 1201 # value to it (if there's a value to append). 1202 if val: 1203 add_to_orig(val) 1204 else: 1205 # The original looks like a dictionary, so update it 1206 # based on what we think the value looks like. 1207 if SCons.Util.is_List(val): 1208 if key == 'CPPDEFINES': 1209 orig = orig.items() 1210 orig += val 1211 self._dict[key] = orig 1212 else: 1213 for v in val: 1214 orig[v] = None 1215 else: 1216 try: 1217 update_dict(val) 1218 except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): 1219 if SCons.Util.is_Dict(val): 1220 for k, v in val.items(): 1221 orig[k] = v 1222 else: 1223 orig[val] = None 1224 self.scanner_map_delete(kw)
1225 1226 # allow Dirs and strings beginning with # for top-relative 1227 # Note this uses the current env's fs (in self).
1228 - def _canonicalize(self, path):
1229 if not SCons.Util.is_String(path): # typically a Dir 1230 path = str(path) 1231 if path and path[0] == '#': 1232 path = str(self.fs.Dir(path)) 1233 return path
1235 - def AppendENVPath(self, name, newpath, envname = 'ENV', 1236 sep = os.pathsep, delete_existing=1):
1237 """Append path elements to the path 'name' in the 'ENV' 1238 dictionary for this environment. Will only add any particular 1239 path once, and will normpath and normcase all paths to help 1240 assure this. This can also handle the case where the env 1241 variable is a list instead of a string. 1242 1243 If delete_existing is 0, a newpath which is already in the path 1244 will not be moved to the end (it will be left where it is). 1245 """ 1246 1247 orig = '' 1248 if envname in self._dict and name in self._dict[envname]: 1249 orig = self._dict[envname][name] 1250 1251 nv = SCons.Util.AppendPath(orig, newpath, sep, delete_existing, 1252 canonicalize=self._canonicalize) 1253 1254 if envname not in self._dict: 1255 self._dict[envname] = {} 1256 1257 self._dict[envname][name] = nv
1259 - def AppendUnique(self, delete_existing=0, **kw):
1260 """Append values to existing construction variables 1261 in an Environment, if they're not already there. 1262 If delete_existing is 1, removes existing values first, so 1263 values move to end. 1264 """ 1265 kw = copy_non_reserved_keywords(kw) 1266 for key, val in kw.items(): 1267 if SCons.Util.is_List(val): 1268 val = _delete_duplicates(val, delete_existing) 1269 if key not in self._dict or self._dict[key] in ('', None): 1270 self._dict[key] = val 1271 elif SCons.Util.is_Dict(self._dict[key]) and \ 1272 SCons.Util.is_Dict(val): 1273 self._dict[key].update(val) 1274 elif SCons.Util.is_List(val): 1275 dk = self._dict[key] 1276 if key == 'CPPDEFINES': 1277 tmp = [] 1278 for i in val: 1279 if SCons.Util.is_List(i): 1280 if len(i) >= 2: 1281 tmp.append((i[0], i[1])) 1282 else: 1283 tmp.append((i[0],)) 1284 elif SCons.Util.is_Tuple(i): 1285 tmp.append(i) 1286 else: 1287 tmp.append((i,)) 1288 val = tmp 1289 if SCons.Util.is_Dict(dk): 1290 dk = dk.items() 1291 elif SCons.Util.is_String(dk): 1292 dk = [(dk,)] 1293 else: 1294 tmp = [] 1295 for i in dk: 1296 if SCons.Util.is_List(i): 1297 if len(i) >= 2: 1298 tmp.append((i[0], i[1])) 1299 else: 1300 tmp.append((i[0],)) 1301 elif SCons.Util.is_Tuple(i): 1302 tmp.append(i) 1303 else: 1304 tmp.append((i,)) 1305 dk = tmp 1306 else: 1307 if not SCons.Util.is_List(dk): 1308 dk = [dk] 1309 if delete_existing: 1310 dk = [x for x in dk if x not in val] 1311 else: 1312 val = [x for x in val if x not in dk] 1313 self._dict[key] = dk + val 1314 else: 1315 dk = self._dict[key] 1316 if SCons.Util.is_List(dk): 1317 if key == 'CPPDEFINES': 1318 tmp = [] 1319 for i in dk: 1320 if SCons.Util.is_List(i): 1321 if len(i) >= 2: 1322 tmp.append((i[0], i[1])) 1323 else: 1324 tmp.append((i[0],)) 1325 elif SCons.Util.is_Tuple(i): 1326 tmp.append(i) 1327 else: 1328 tmp.append((i,)) 1329 dk = tmp 1330 if SCons.Util.is_Dict(val): 1331 val = val.items() 1332 elif SCons.Util.is_String(val): 1333 val = [(val,)] 1334 if delete_existing: 1335 dk = filter(lambda x, val=val: x not in val, dk) 1336 self._dict[key] = dk + val 1337 else: 1338 dk = [x for x in dk if x not in val] 1339 self._dict[key] = dk + val 1340 else: 1341 # By elimination, val is not a list. Since dk is a 1342 # list, wrap val in a list first. 1343 if delete_existing: 1344 dk = filter(lambda x, val=val: x not in val, dk) 1345 self._dict[key] = dk + [val] 1346 else: 1347 if not val in dk: 1348 self._dict[key] = dk + [val] 1349 else: 1350 if key == 'CPPDEFINES': 1351 if SCons.Util.is_String(dk): 1352 dk = [dk] 1353 elif SCons.Util.is_Dict(dk): 1354 dk = dk.items() 1355 if SCons.Util.is_String(val): 1356 if val in dk: 1357 val = [] 1358 else: 1359 val = [val] 1360 elif SCons.Util.is_Dict(val): 1361 tmp = [] 1362 for i,j in val.iteritems(): 1363 if j is not None: 1364 tmp.append((i,j)) 1365 else: 1366 tmp.append(i) 1367 val = tmp 1368 if delete_existing: 1369 dk = [x for x in dk if x not in val] 1370 self._dict[key] = dk + val 1371 self.scanner_map_delete(kw)
1373 - def Clone(self, tools=[], toolpath=None, parse_flags = None, **kw):
1374 """Return a copy of a construction Environment. The 1375 copy is like a Python "deep copy"--that is, independent 1376 copies are made recursively of each objects--except that 1377 a reference is copied when an object is not deep-copyable 1378 (like a function). There are no references to any mutable 1379 objects in the original Environment. 1380 """ 1381 try: 1382 builders = self._dict['BUILDERS'] 1383 except KeyError: 1384 pass 1385 1386 clone = copy.copy(self) 1387 # BUILDERS is not safe to do a simple copy 1388 clone._dict = semi_deepcopy_dict(self._dict, ['BUILDERS']) 1389 clone._dict['BUILDERS'] = BuilderDict(builders, clone) 1390 1391 # Check the methods added via AddMethod() and re-bind them to 1392 # the cloned environment. Only do this if the attribute hasn't 1393 # been overwritten by the user explicitly and still points to 1394 # the added method. 1395 clone.added_methods = [] 1396 for mw in self.added_methods: 1397 if mw == getattr(self, 1398 clone.added_methods.append(mw.clone(clone)) 1399 1400 clone._memo = {} 1401 1402 # Apply passed-in variables before the tools 1403 # so the tools can use the new variables 1404 kw = copy_non_reserved_keywords(kw) 1405 new = {} 1406 for key, value in kw.items(): 1407 new[key] = SCons.Subst.scons_subst_once(value, self, key) 1408 clone.Replace(**new) 1409 1410 apply_tools(clone, tools, toolpath) 1411 1412 # apply them again in case the tools overwrote them 1413 clone.Replace(**new) 1414 1415 # Finally, apply any flags to be merged in 1416 if parse_flags: clone.MergeFlags(parse_flags) 1417 1418 if SCons.Debug.track_instances: logInstanceCreation(self, 'Environment.EnvironmentClone') 1419 return clone
1421 - def Copy(self, *args, **kw):
1422 global _warn_copy_deprecated 1423 if _warn_copy_deprecated: 1424 msg = "The env.Copy() method is deprecated; use the env.Clone() method instead." 1425 SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.DeprecatedCopyWarning, msg) 1426 _warn_copy_deprecated = False 1427 return self.Clone(*args, **kw)
1429 - def _changed_build(self, dependency, target, prev_ni):
1430 if dependency.changed_state(target, prev_ni): 1431 return 1 1432 return self.decide_source(dependency, target, prev_ni)
1434 - def _changed_content(self, dependency, target, prev_ni):
1435 return dependency.changed_content(target, prev_ni)
1437 - def _changed_source(self, dependency, target, prev_ni):
1438 target_env = dependency.get_build_env() 1439 type = target_env.get_tgt_sig_type() 1440 if type == 'source': 1441 return target_env.decide_source(dependency, target, prev_ni) 1442 else: 1443 return target_env.decide_target(dependency, target, prev_ni)
1445 - def _changed_timestamp_then_content(self, dependency, target, prev_ni):
1446 return dependency.changed_timestamp_then_content(target, prev_ni)
1448 - def _changed_timestamp_newer(self, dependency, target, prev_ni):
1449 return dependency.changed_timestamp_newer(target, prev_ni)
1451 - def _changed_timestamp_match(self, dependency, target, prev_ni):
1452 return dependency.changed_timestamp_match(target, prev_ni)
1454 - def _copy_from_cache(self, src, dst):
1455 return self.fs.copy(src, dst)
1457 - def _copy2_from_cache(self, src, dst):
1458 return self.fs.copy2(src, dst)
1460 - def Decider(self, function):
1461 copy_function = self._copy2_from_cache 1462 if function in ('MD5', 'content'): 1463 if not SCons.Util.md5: 1464 raise UserError("MD5 signatures are not available in this version of Python.") 1465 function = self._changed_content 1466 elif function == 'MD5-timestamp': 1467 function = self._changed_timestamp_then_content 1468 elif function in ('timestamp-newer', 'make'): 1469 function = self._changed_timestamp_newer 1470 copy_function = self._copy_from_cache 1471 elif function == 'timestamp-match': 1472 function = self._changed_timestamp_match 1473 elif not callable(function): 1474 raise UserError("Unknown Decider value %s" % repr(function)) 1475 1476 # We don't use AddMethod because we don't want to turn the 1477 # function, which only expects three arguments, into a bound 1478 # method, which would add self as an initial, fourth argument. 1479 self.decide_target = function 1480 self.decide_source = function 1481 1482 self.copy_from_cache = copy_function
1484 - def Detect(self, progs):
1485 """Return the first available program in progs. 1486 """ 1487 if not SCons.Util.is_List(progs): 1488 progs = [ progs ] 1489 for prog in progs: 1490 path = self.WhereIs(prog) 1491 if path: return prog 1492 return None
1494 - def Dictionary(self, *args):
1495 if not args: 1496 return self._dict 1497 dlist = [self._dict[x] for x in args] 1498 if len(dlist) == 1: 1499 dlist = dlist[0] 1500 return dlist
1502 - def Dump(self, key = None):
1503 """ 1504 Using the standard Python pretty printer, dump the contents of the 1505 scons build environment to stdout. 1506 1507 If the key passed in is anything other than None, then that will 1508 be used as an index into the build environment dictionary and 1509 whatever is found there will be fed into the pretty printer. Note 1510 that this key is case sensitive. 1511 """ 1512 import pprint 1513 pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) 1514 if key: 1515 dict = self.Dictionary(key) 1516 else: 1517 dict = self.Dictionary() 1518 return pp.pformat(dict)
1520 - def FindIxes(self, paths, prefix, suffix):
1521 """ 1522 Search a list of paths for something that matches the prefix and suffix. 1523 1524 paths - the list of paths or nodes. 1525 prefix - construction variable for the prefix. 1526 suffix - construction variable for the suffix. 1527 """ 1528 1529 suffix = self.subst('$'+suffix) 1530 prefix = self.subst('$'+prefix) 1531 1532 for path in paths: 1533 dir,name = os.path.split(str(path)) 1534 if name[:len(prefix)] == prefix and name[-len(suffix):] == suffix: 1535 return path
1537 - def ParseConfig(self, command, function=None, unique=1):
1538 """ 1539 Use the specified function to parse the output of the command 1540 in order to modify the current environment. The 'command' can 1541 be a string or a list of strings representing a command and 1542 its arguments. 'Function' is an optional argument that takes 1543 the environment, the output of the command, and the unique flag. 1544 If no function is specified, MergeFlags, which treats the output 1545 as the result of a typical 'X-config' command (i.e. gtk-config), 1546 will merge the output into the appropriate variables. 1547 """ 1548 if function is None: 1549 def parse_conf(env, cmd, unique=unique): 1550 return env.MergeFlags(cmd, unique)
1551 function = parse_conf 1552 if SCons.Util.is_List(command): 1553 command = ' '.join(command) 1554 command = self.subst(command) 1555 return function(self, self.backtick(command))
1557 - def ParseDepends(self, filename, must_exist=None, only_one=0):
1558 """ 1559 Parse a mkdep-style file for explicit dependencies. This is 1560 completely abusable, and should be unnecessary in the "normal" 1561 case of proper SCons configuration, but it may help make 1562 the transition from a Make hierarchy easier for some people 1563 to swallow. It can also be genuinely useful when using a tool 1564 that can write a .d file, but for which writing a scanner would 1565 be too complicated. 1566 """ 1567 filename = self.subst(filename) 1568 try: 1569 fp = open(filename, 'r') 1570 except IOError: 1571 if must_exist: 1572 raise 1573 return 1574 lines = SCons.Util.LogicalLines(fp).readlines() 1575 lines = [l for l in lines if l[0] != '#'] 1576 tdlist = [] 1577 for line in lines: 1578 try: 1579 target, depends = line.split(':', 1) 1580 except (AttributeError, ValueError): 1581 # Throws AttributeError if line isn't a string. Can throw 1582 # ValueError if line doesn't split into two or more elements. 1583 pass 1584 else: 1585 tdlist.append((target.split(), depends.split())) 1586 if only_one: 1587 targets = [] 1588 for td in tdlist: 1589 targets.extend(td[0]) 1590 if len(targets) > 1: 1591 raise SCons.Errors.UserError( 1592 "More than one dependency target found in `%s': %s" 1593 % (filename, targets)) 1594 for target, depends in tdlist: 1595 self.Depends(target, depends)
1597 - def Platform(self, platform):
1598 platform = self.subst(platform) 1599 return SCons.Platform.Platform(platform)(self)
1601 - def Prepend(self, **kw):
1602 """Prepend values to existing construction variables 1603 in an Environment. 1604 """ 1605 kw = copy_non_reserved_keywords(kw) 1606 for key, val in kw.items(): 1607 # It would be easier on the eyes to write this using 1608 # "continue" statements whenever we finish processing an item, 1609 # but Python 1.5.2 apparently doesn't let you use "continue" 1610 # within try:-except: blocks, so we have to nest our code. 1611 try: 1612 orig = self._dict[key] 1613 except KeyError: 1614 # No existing variable in the environment, so just set 1615 # it to the new value. 1616 self._dict[key] = val 1617 else: 1618 try: 1619 # Check if the original looks like a dictionary. 1620 # If it is, we can't just try adding the value because 1621 # dictionaries don't have __add__() methods, and 1622 # things like UserList will incorrectly coerce the 1623 # original dict to a list (which we don't want). 1624 update_dict = orig.update 1625 except AttributeError: 1626 try: 1627 # Most straightforward: just try to add them 1628 # together. This will work in most cases, when the 1629 # original and new values are of compatible types. 1630 self._dict[key] = val + orig 1631 except (KeyError, TypeError): 1632 try: 1633 # Check if the added value is a list. 1634 add_to_val = val.append 1635 except AttributeError: 1636 # The added value isn't a list, but the 1637 # original is (by process of elimination), 1638 # so insert the the new value in the original 1639 # (if there's one to insert). 1640 if val: 1641 orig.insert(0, val) 1642 else: 1643 # The added value is a list, so append 1644 # the original to it (if there's a value 1645 # to append). 1646 if orig: 1647 add_to_val(orig) 1648 self._dict[key] = val 1649 else: 1650 # The original looks like a dictionary, so update it 1651 # based on what we think the value looks like. 1652 if SCons.Util.is_List(val): 1653 for v in val: 1654 orig[v] = None 1655 else: 1656 try: 1657 update_dict(val) 1658 except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): 1659 if SCons.Util.is_Dict(val): 1660 for k, v in val.items(): 1661 orig[k] = v 1662 else: 1663 orig[val] = None 1664 self.scanner_map_delete(kw)
1666 - def PrependENVPath(self, name, newpath, envname = 'ENV', sep = os.pathsep, 1667 delete_existing=1):
1668 """Prepend path elements to the path 'name' in the 'ENV' 1669 dictionary for this environment. Will only add any particular 1670 path once, and will normpath and normcase all paths to help 1671 assure this. This can also handle the case where the env 1672 variable is a list instead of a string. 1673 1674 If delete_existing is 0, a newpath which is already in the path 1675 will not be moved to the front (it will be left where it is). 1676 """ 1677 1678 orig = '' 1679 if envname in self._dict and name in self._dict[envname]: 1680 orig = self._dict[envname][name] 1681 1682 nv = SCons.Util.PrependPath(orig, newpath, sep, delete_existing, 1683 canonicalize=self._canonicalize) 1684 1685 if envname not in self._dict: 1686 self._dict[envname] = {} 1687 1688 self._dict[envname][name] = nv
1690 - def PrependUnique(self, delete_existing=0, **kw):
1691 """Prepend values to existing construction variables 1692 in an Environment, if they're not already there. 1693 If delete_existing is 1, removes existing values first, so 1694 values move to front. 1695 """ 1696 kw = copy_non_reserved_keywords(kw) 1697 for key, val in kw.items(): 1698 if SCons.Util.is_List(val): 1699 val = _delete_duplicates(val, not delete_existing) 1700 if key not in self._dict or self._dict[key] in ('', None): 1701 self._dict[key] = val 1702 elif SCons.Util.is_Dict(self._dict[key]) and \ 1703 SCons.Util.is_Dict(val): 1704 self._dict[key].update(val) 1705 elif SCons.Util.is_List(val): 1706 dk = self._dict[key] 1707 if not SCons.Util.is_List(dk): 1708 dk = [dk] 1709 if delete_existing: 1710 dk = [x for x in dk if x not in val] 1711 else: 1712 val = [x for x in val if x not in dk] 1713 self._dict[key] = val + dk 1714 else: 1715 dk = self._dict[key] 1716 if SCons.Util.is_List(dk): 1717 # By elimination, val is not a list. Since dk is a 1718 # list, wrap val in a list first. 1719 if delete_existing: 1720 dk = [x for x in dk if x not in val] 1721 self._dict[key] = [val] + dk 1722 else: 1723 if not val in dk: 1724 self._dict[key] = [val] + dk 1725 else: 1726 if delete_existing: 1727 dk = [x for x in dk if x not in val] 1728 self._dict[key] = val + dk 1729 self.scanner_map_delete(kw)
1731 - def Replace(self, **kw):
1732 """Replace existing construction variables in an Environment 1733 with new construction variables and/or values. 1734 """ 1735 try: 1736 kwbd = kw['BUILDERS'] 1737 except KeyError: 1738 pass 1739 else: 1740 kwbd = BuilderDict(kwbd,self) 1741 del kw['BUILDERS'] 1742 self.__setitem__('BUILDERS', kwbd) 1743 kw = copy_non_reserved_keywords(kw) 1744 self._update(semi_deepcopy(kw)) 1745 self.scanner_map_delete(kw)
1747 - def ReplaceIxes(self, path, old_prefix, old_suffix, new_prefix, new_suffix):
1748 """ 1749 Replace old_prefix with new_prefix and old_suffix with new_suffix. 1750 1751 env - Environment used to interpolate variables. 1752 path - the path that will be modified. 1753 old_prefix - construction variable for the old prefix. 1754 old_suffix - construction variable for the old suffix. 1755 new_prefix - construction variable for the new prefix. 1756 new_suffix - construction variable for the new suffix. 1757 """ 1758 old_prefix = self.subst('$'+old_prefix) 1759 old_suffix = self.subst('$'+old_suffix) 1760 1761 new_prefix = self.subst('$'+new_prefix) 1762 new_suffix = self.subst('$'+new_suffix) 1763 1764 dir,name = os.path.split(str(path)) 1765 if name[:len(old_prefix)] == old_prefix: 1766 name = name[len(old_prefix):] 1767 if name[-len(old_suffix):] == old_suffix: 1768 name = name[:-len(old_suffix)] 1769 return os.path.join(dir, new_prefix+name+new_suffix)
1771 - def SetDefault(self, **kw):
1772 for k in kw.keys(): 1773 if k in self._dict: 1774 del kw[k] 1775 self.Replace(**kw)
1777 - def _find_toolpath_dir(self, tp):
1778 return self.fs.Dir(self.subst(tp)).srcnode().abspath
1780 - def Tool(self, tool, toolpath=None, **kw):
1781 if SCons.Util.is_String(tool): 1782 tool = self.subst(tool) 1783 if toolpath is None: 1784 toolpath = self.get('toolpath', []) 1785 toolpath = list(map(self._find_toolpath_dir, toolpath)) 1786 tool = SCons.Tool.Tool(tool, toolpath, **kw) 1787 tool(self)
1789 - def WhereIs(self, prog, path=None, pathext=None, reject=[]):
1790 """Find prog in the path. 1791 """ 1792 if path is None: 1793 try: 1794 path = self['ENV']['PATH'] 1795 except KeyError: 1796 pass 1797 elif SCons.Util.is_String(path): 1798 path = self.subst(path) 1799 if pathext is None: 1800 try: 1801 pathext = self['ENV']['PATHEXT'] 1802 except KeyError: 1803 pass 1804 elif SCons.Util.is_String(pathext): 1805 pathext = self.subst(pathext) 1806 prog = self.subst(prog) 1807 path = SCons.Util.WhereIs(prog, path, pathext, reject) 1808 if path: return path 1809 return None
1810 1811 ####################################################################### 1812 # Public methods for doing real "SCons stuff" (manipulating 1813 # dependencies, setting attributes on targets, etc.). These begin 1814 # with upper-case letters. The essential characteristic of methods 1815 # in this section is that they all *should* have corresponding 1816 # same-named global functions. 1817 ####################################################################### 1818
1819 - def Action(self, *args, **kw):
1820 def subst_string(a, self=self): 1821 if SCons.Util.is_String(a): 1822 a = self.subst(a) 1823 return a
1824 nargs = list(map(subst_string, args)) 1825 nkw = self.subst_kw(kw) 1826 return SCons.Action.Action(*nargs, **nkw) 1827
1828 - def AddPreAction(self, files, action):
1829 nodes = self.arg2nodes(files, self.fs.Entry) 1830 action = SCons.Action.Action(action) 1831 uniq = {} 1832 for executor in [n.get_executor() for n in nodes]: 1833 uniq[executor] = 1 1834 for executor in uniq.keys(): 1835 executor.add_pre_action(action) 1836 return nodes
1838 - def AddPostAction(self, files, action):
1839 nodes = self.arg2nodes(files, self.fs.Entry) 1840 action = SCons.Action.Action(action) 1841 uniq = {} 1842 for executor in [n.get_executor() for n in nodes]: 1843 uniq[executor] = 1 1844 for executor in uniq.keys(): 1845 executor.add_post_action(action) 1846 return nodes
1848 - def Alias(self, target, source=[], action=None, **kw):
1849 tlist = self.arg2nodes(target, self.ans.Alias) 1850 if not SCons.Util.is_List(source): 1851 source = [source] 1852 source = [_f for _f in source if _f] 1853 1854 if not action: 1855 if not source: 1856 # There are no source files and no action, so just 1857 # return a target list of classic Alias Nodes, without 1858 # any builder. The externally visible effect is that 1859 # this will make the wrapping Script.BuildTask class 1860 # say that there's "Nothing to be done" for this Alias, 1861 # instead of that it's "up to date." 1862 return tlist 1863 1864 # No action, but there are sources. Re-call all the target 1865 # builders to add the sources to each target. 1866 result = [] 1867 for t in tlist: 1868 bld = t.get_builder(AliasBuilder) 1869 result.extend(bld(self, t, source)) 1870 return result 1871 1872 nkw = self.subst_kw(kw) 1873 nkw.update({ 1874 'action' : SCons.Action.Action(action), 1875 'source_factory' : self.fs.Entry, 1876 'multi' : 1, 1877 'is_explicit' : None, 1878 }) 1879 bld = SCons.Builder.Builder(**nkw) 1880 1881 # Apply the Builder separately to each target so that the Aliases 1882 # stay separate. If we did one "normal" Builder call with the 1883 # whole target list, then all of the target Aliases would be 1884 # associated under a single Executor. 1885 result = [] 1886 for t in tlist: 1887 # Calling the convert() method will cause a new Executor to be 1888 # created from scratch, so we have to explicitly initialize 1889 # it with the target's existing sources, plus our new ones, 1890 # so nothing gets lost. 1891 b = t.get_builder() 1892 if b is None or b is AliasBuilder: 1893 b = bld 1894 else: 1895 nkw['action'] = b.action + action 1896 b = SCons.Builder.Builder(**nkw) 1897 t.convert() 1898 result.extend(b(self, t, t.sources + source)) 1899 return result
1901 - def AlwaysBuild(self, *targets):
1902 tlist = [] 1903 for t in targets: 1904 tlist.extend(self.arg2nodes(t, self.fs.Entry)) 1905 for t in tlist: 1906 t.set_always_build() 1907 return tlist
1909 - def BuildDir(self, *args, **kw):
1910 msg = """BuildDir() and the build_dir keyword have been deprecated;\n\tuse VariantDir() and the variant_dir keyword instead.""" 1911 SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.DeprecatedBuildDirWarning, msg) 1912 if 'build_dir' in kw: 1913 kw['variant_dir'] = kw['build_dir'] 1914 del kw['build_dir'] 1915 return self.VariantDir(*args, **kw)
1917 - def Builder(self, **kw):
1918 nkw = self.subst_kw(kw) 1919 return SCons.Builder.Builder(**nkw)
1921 - def CacheDir(self, path):
1922 import SCons.CacheDir 1923 if path is not None: 1924 path = self.subst(path) 1925 self._CacheDir_path = path
1927 - def Clean(self, targets, files):
1928 global CleanTargets 1929 tlist = self.arg2nodes(targets, self.fs.Entry) 1930 flist = self.arg2nodes(files, self.fs.Entry) 1931 for t in tlist: 1932 try: 1933 CleanTargets[t].extend(flist) 1934 except KeyError: 1935 CleanTargets[t] = flist
1937 - def Configure(self, *args, **kw):
1938 nargs = [self] 1939 if args: 1940 nargs = nargs + self.subst_list(args)[0] 1941 nkw = self.subst_kw(kw) 1942 nkw['_depth'] = kw.get('_depth', 0) + 1 1943 try: 1944 nkw['custom_tests'] = self.subst_kw(nkw['custom_tests']) 1945 except KeyError: 1946 pass 1947 return SCons.SConf.SConf(*nargs, **nkw)
1949 - def Command(self, target, source, action, **kw):
1950 """Builds the supplied target files from the supplied 1951 source files using the supplied action. Action may 1952 be any type that the Builder constructor will accept 1953 for an action.""" 1954 bkw = { 1955 'action' : action, 1956 'target_factory' : self.fs.Entry, 1957 'source_factory' : self.fs.Entry, 1958 } 1959 try: bkw['source_scanner'] = kw['source_scanner'] 1960 except KeyError: pass 1961 else: del kw['source_scanner'] 1962 bld = SCons.Builder.Builder(**bkw) 1963 return bld(self, target, source, **kw)
1965 - def Depends(self, target, dependency):
1966 """Explicity specify that 'target's depend on 'dependency'.""" 1967 tlist = self.arg2nodes(target, self.fs.Entry) 1968 dlist = self.arg2nodes(dependency, self.fs.Entry) 1969 for t in tlist: 1970 t.add_dependency(dlist) 1971 return tlist
1973 - def Dir(self, name, *args, **kw):
1974 """ 1975 """ 1976 s = self.subst(name) 1977 if SCons.Util.is_Sequence(s): 1978 result=[] 1979 for e in s: 1980 result.append(self.fs.Dir(e, *args, **kw)) 1981 return result 1982 return self.fs.Dir(s, *args, **kw)
1984 - def NoClean(self, *targets):
1985 """Tags a target so that it will not be cleaned by -c""" 1986 tlist = [] 1987 for t in targets: 1988 tlist.extend(self.arg2nodes(t, self.fs.Entry)) 1989 for t in tlist: 1990 t.set_noclean() 1991 return tlist
1993 - def NoCache(self, *targets):
1994 """Tags a target so that it will not be cached""" 1995 tlist = [] 1996 for t in targets: 1997 tlist.extend(self.arg2nodes(t, self.fs.Entry)) 1998 for t in tlist: 1999 t.set_nocache() 2000 return tlist
2002 - def Entry(self, name, *args, **kw):
2003 """ 2004 """ 2005 s = self.subst(name) 2006 if SCons.Util.is_Sequence(s): 2007 result=[] 2008 for e in s: 2009 result.append(self.fs.Entry(e, *args, **kw)) 2010 return result 2011 return self.fs.Entry(s, *args, **kw)
2013 - def Environment(self, **kw):
2014 return SCons.Environment.Environment(**self.subst_kw(kw))
2016 - def Execute(self, action, *args, **kw):
2017 """Directly execute an action through an Environment 2018 """ 2019 action = self.Action(action, *args, **kw) 2020 result = action([], [], self) 2021 if isinstance(result, SCons.Errors.BuildError): 2022 errstr = result.errstr 2023 if result.filename: 2024 errstr = result.filename + ': ' + errstr 2025 sys.stderr.write("scons: *** %s\n" % errstr) 2026 return result.status 2027 else: 2028 return result
2030 - def File(self, name, *args, **kw):
2031 """ 2032 """ 2033 s = self.subst(name) 2034 if SCons.Util.is_Sequence(s): 2035 result=[] 2036 for e in s: 2037 result.append(self.fs.File(e, *args, **kw)) 2038 return result 2039 return self.fs.File(s, *args, **kw)
2041 - def FindFile(self, file, dirs):
2042 file = self.subst(file) 2043 nodes = self.arg2nodes(dirs, self.fs.Dir) 2044 return SCons.Node.FS.find_file(file, tuple(nodes))
2046 - def Flatten(self, sequence):
2047 return SCons.Util.flatten(sequence)
2049 - def GetBuildPath(self, files):
2050 result = list(map(str, self.arg2nodes(files, self.fs.Entry))) 2051 if SCons.Util.is_List(files): 2052 return result 2053 else: 2054 return result[0]
2056 - def Glob(self, pattern, ondisk=True, source=False, strings=False):
2057 return self.fs.Glob(self.subst(pattern), ondisk, source, strings)
2059 - def Ignore(self, target, dependency):
2060 """Ignore a dependency.""" 2061 tlist = self.arg2nodes(target, self.fs.Entry) 2062 dlist = self.arg2nodes(dependency, self.fs.Entry) 2063 for t in tlist: 2064 t.add_ignore(dlist) 2065 return tlist
2067 - def Literal(self, string):
2068 return SCons.Subst.Literal(string)
2070 - def Local(self, *targets):
2071 ret = [] 2072 for targ in targets: 2073 if isinstance(targ, SCons.Node.Node): 2074 targ.set_local() 2075 ret.append(targ) 2076 else: 2077 for t in self.arg2nodes(targ, self.fs.Entry): 2078 t.set_local() 2079 ret.append(t) 2080 return ret
2082 - def Precious(self, *targets):
2083 tlist = [] 2084 for t in targets: 2085 tlist.extend(self.arg2nodes(t, self.fs.Entry)) 2086 for t in tlist: 2087 t.set_precious() 2088 return tlist
2090 - def Pseudo(self, *targets):
2091 tlist = [] 2092 for t in targets: 2093 tlist.extend(self.arg2nodes(t, self.fs.Entry)) 2094 for t in tlist: 2095 t.set_pseudo() 2096 return tlist
2098 - def Repository(self, *dirs, **kw):
2099 dirs = self.arg2nodes(list(dirs), self.fs.Dir) 2100 self.fs.Repository(*dirs, **kw)
2102 - def Requires(self, target, prerequisite):
2103 """Specify that 'prerequisite' must be built before 'target', 2104 (but 'target' does not actually depend on 'prerequisite' 2105 and need not be rebuilt if it changes).""" 2106 tlist = self.arg2nodes(target, self.fs.Entry) 2107 plist = self.arg2nodes(prerequisite, self.fs.Entry) 2108 for t in tlist: 2109 t.add_prerequisite(plist) 2110 return tlist
2112 - def Scanner(self, *args, **kw):
2113 nargs = [] 2114 for arg in args: 2115 if SCons.Util.is_String(arg): 2116 arg = self.subst(arg) 2117 nargs.append(arg) 2118 nkw = self.subst_kw(kw) 2119 return SCons.Scanner.Base(*nargs, **nkw)
2121 - def SConsignFile(self, name=".sconsign", dbm_module=None):
2122 if name is not None: 2123 name = self.subst(name) 2124 if not os.path.isabs(name): 2125 name = os.path.join(str(self.fs.SConstruct_dir), name) 2126 if name: 2127 name = os.path.normpath(name) 2128 sconsign_dir = os.path.dirname(name) 2129 if sconsign_dir and not os.path.exists(sconsign_dir): 2130 self.Execute(SCons.Defaults.Mkdir(sconsign_dir)) 2131 SCons.SConsign.File(name, dbm_module)
2133 - def SideEffect(self, side_effect, target):
2134 """Tell scons that side_effects are built as side 2135 effects of building targets.""" 2136 side_effects = self.arg2nodes(side_effect, self.fs.Entry) 2137 targets = self.arg2nodes(target, self.fs.Entry) 2138 2139 for side_effect in side_effects: 2140 if side_effect.multiple_side_effect_has_builder(): 2141 raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Multiple ways to build the same target were specified for: %s" % str(side_effect)) 2142 side_effect.add_source(targets) 2143 side_effect.side_effect = 1 2144 self.Precious(side_effect) 2145 for target in targets: 2146 target.side_effects.append(side_effect) 2147 return side_effects
2149 - def SourceCode(self, entry, builder):
2150 """Arrange for a source code builder for (part of) a tree.""" 2151 msg = """SourceCode() has been deprecated and there is no replacement. 2152 \tIf you need this function, please contact""" 2153 SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.DeprecatedSourceCodeWarning, msg) 2154 entries = self.arg2nodes(entry, self.fs.Entry) 2155 for entry in entries: 2156 entry.set_src_builder(builder) 2157 return entries
2159 - def SourceSignatures(self, type):
2160 global _warn_source_signatures_deprecated 2161 if _warn_source_signatures_deprecated: 2162 msg = "The env.SourceSignatures() method is deprecated;\n" + \ 2163 "\tconvert your build to use the env.Decider() method instead." 2164 SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.DeprecatedSourceSignaturesWarning, msg) 2165 _warn_source_signatures_deprecated = False 2166 type = self.subst(type) 2167 self.src_sig_type = type 2168 if type == 'MD5': 2169 if not SCons.Util.md5: 2170 raise UserError("MD5 signatures are not available in this version of Python.") 2171 self.decide_source = self._changed_content 2172 elif type == 'timestamp': 2173 self.decide_source = self._changed_timestamp_match 2174 else: 2175 raise UserError("Unknown source signature type '%s'" % type)
2177 - def Split(self, arg):
2178 """This function converts a string or list into a list of strings 2179 or Nodes. This makes things easier for users by allowing files to 2180 be specified as a white-space separated list to be split. 2181 The input rules are: 2182 - A single string containing names separated by spaces. These will be 2183 split apart at the spaces. 2184 - A single Node instance 2185 - A list containing either strings or Node instances. Any strings 2186 in the list are not split at spaces. 2187 In all cases, the function returns a list of Nodes and strings.""" 2188 if SCons.Util.is_List(arg): 2189 return list(map(self.subst, arg)) 2190 elif SCons.Util.is_String(arg): 2191 return self.subst(arg).split() 2192 else: 2193 return [self.subst(arg)]
2195 - def TargetSignatures(self, type):
2196 global _warn_target_signatures_deprecated 2197 if _warn_target_signatures_deprecated: 2198 msg = "The env.TargetSignatures() method is deprecated;\n" + \ 2199 "\tconvert your build to use the env.Decider() method instead." 2200 SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.DeprecatedTargetSignaturesWarning, msg) 2201 _warn_target_signatures_deprecated = False 2202 type = self.subst(type) 2203 self.tgt_sig_type = type 2204 if type in ('MD5', 'content'): 2205 if not SCons.Util.md5: 2206 raise UserError("MD5 signatures are not available in this version of Python.") 2207 self.decide_target = self._changed_content 2208 elif type == 'timestamp': 2209 self.decide_target = self._changed_timestamp_match 2210 elif type == 'build': 2211 self.decide_target = self._changed_build 2212 elif type == 'source': 2213 self.decide_target = self._changed_source 2214 else: 2215 raise UserError("Unknown target signature type '%s'"%type)
2217 - def Value(self, value, built_value=None):
2218 """ 2219 """ 2220 return SCons.Node.Python.Value(value, built_value)
2222 - def VariantDir(self, variant_dir, src_dir, duplicate=1):
2223 variant_dir = self.arg2nodes(variant_dir, self.fs.Dir)[0] 2224 src_dir = self.arg2nodes(src_dir, self.fs.Dir)[0] 2225 self.fs.VariantDir(variant_dir, src_dir, duplicate)
2227 - def FindSourceFiles(self, node='.'):
2228 """ returns a list of all source files. 2229 """ 2230 node = self.arg2nodes(node, self.fs.Entry)[0] 2231 2232 sources = [] 2233 def build_source(ss): 2234 for s in ss: 2235 if isinstance(s, SCons.Node.FS.Dir): 2236 build_source(s.all_children()) 2237 elif s.has_builder(): 2238 build_source(s.sources) 2239 elif isinstance(s.disambiguate(), SCons.Node.FS.File): 2240 sources.append(s)
2241 build_source(node.all_children()) 2242 2243 def final_source(node): 2244 while (node != node.srcnode()): 2245 node = node.srcnode() 2246 return node 2247 sources = map( final_source, sources ); 2248 # remove duplicates 2249 return list(set(sources)) 2250
2251 - def FindInstalledFiles(self):
2252 """ returns the list of all targets of the Install and InstallAs Builder. 2253 """ 2254 from SCons.Tool import install 2255 if install._UNIQUE_INSTALLED_FILES is None: 2256 install._UNIQUE_INSTALLED_FILES = SCons.Util.uniquer_hashables(install._INSTALLED_FILES) 2257 return install._UNIQUE_INSTALLED_FILES
2258 2259
2260 -class OverrideEnvironment(Base):
2261 """A proxy that overrides variables in a wrapped construction 2262 environment by returning values from an overrides dictionary in 2263 preference to values from the underlying subject environment. 2264 2265 This is a lightweight (I hope) proxy that passes through most use of 2266 attributes to the underlying Environment.Base class, but has just 2267 enough additional methods defined to act like a real construction 2268 environment with overridden values. It can wrap either a Base 2269 construction environment, or another OverrideEnvironment, which 2270 can in turn nest arbitrary OverrideEnvironments... 2271 2272 Note that we do *not* call the underlying base class 2273 (SubsitutionEnvironment) initialization, because we get most of those 2274 from proxying the attributes of the subject construction environment. 2275 But because we subclass SubstitutionEnvironment, this class also 2276 has inherited arg2nodes() and subst*() methods; those methods can't 2277 be proxied because they need *this* object's methods to fetch the 2278 values from the overrides dictionary. 2279 """ 2280
2281 - def __init__(self, subject, overrides={}):
2282 if SCons.Debug.track_instances: logInstanceCreation(self, 'Environment.OverrideEnvironment') 2283 self.__dict__['__subject'] = subject 2284 self.__dict__['overrides'] = overrides
2285 2286 # Methods that make this class act like a proxy.
2287 - def __getattr__(self, name):
2288 return getattr(self.__dict__['__subject'], name)
2289 - def __setattr__(self, name, value):
2290 setattr(self.__dict__['__subject'], name, value)
2291 2292 # Methods that make this class act like a dictionary.
2293 - def __getitem__(self, key):
2294 try: 2295 return self.__dict__['overrides'][key] 2296 except KeyError: 2297 return self.__dict__['__subject'].__getitem__(key)
2298 - def __setitem__(self, key, value):
2299 if not is_valid_construction_var(key): 2300 raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Illegal construction variable `%s'" % key) 2301 self.__dict__['overrides'][key] = value
2302 - def __delitem__(self, key):
2303 try: 2304 del self.__dict__['overrides'][key] 2305 except KeyError: 2306 deleted = 0 2307 else: 2308 deleted = 1 2309 try: 2310 result = self.__dict__['__subject'].__delitem__(key) 2311 except KeyError: 2312 if not deleted: 2313 raise 2314 result = None 2315 return result
2316 - def get(self, key, default=None):
2317 """Emulates the get() method of dictionaries.""" 2318 try: 2319 return self.__dict__['overrides'][key] 2320 except KeyError: 2321 return self.__dict__['__subject'].get(key, default)
2322 - def has_key(self, key):
2323 try: 2324 self.__dict__['overrides'][key] 2325 return 1 2326 except KeyError: 2327 return key in self.__dict__['__subject']
2328 - def __contains__(self, key):
2329 if self.__dict__['overrides'].__contains__(key): 2330 return 1 2331 return self.__dict__['__subject'].__contains__(key)
2332 - def Dictionary(self):
2333 """Emulates the items() method of dictionaries.""" 2334 d = self.__dict__['__subject'].Dictionary().copy() 2335 d.update(self.__dict__['overrides']) 2336 return d
2337 - def items(self):
2338 """Emulates the items() method of dictionaries.""" 2339 return list(self.Dictionary().items())
2340 2341 # Overridden private construction environment methods.
2342 - def _update(self, dict):
2343 """Update an environment's values directly, bypassing the normal 2344 checks that occur when users try to set items. 2345 """ 2346 self.__dict__['overrides'].update(dict)
2348 - def gvars(self):
2349 return self.__dict__['__subject'].gvars()
2351 - def lvars(self):
2352 lvars = self.__dict__['__subject'].lvars() 2353 lvars.update(self.__dict__['overrides']) 2354 return lvars
2355 2356 # Overridden public construction environment methods.
2357 - def Replace(self, **kw):
2358 kw = copy_non_reserved_keywords(kw) 2359 self.__dict__['overrides'].update(semi_deepcopy(kw))
2360 2361 # The entry point that will be used by the external world 2362 # to refer to a construction environment. This allows the wrapper 2363 # interface to extend a construction environment for its own purposes 2364 # by subclassing SCons.Environment.Base and then assigning the 2365 # class to SCons.Environment.Environment. 2366 2367 Environment = Base 2368 2369 # An entry point for returning a proxy subclass instance that overrides 2370 # the subst*() methods so they don't actually perform construction 2371 # variable substitution. This is specifically intended to be the shim 2372 # layer in between global function calls (which don't want construction 2373 # variable substitution) and the DefaultEnvironment() (which would 2374 # substitute variables if left to its own devices).""" 2375 # 2376 # We have to wrap this in a function that allows us to delay definition of 2377 # the class until it's necessary, so that when it subclasses Environment 2378 # it will pick up whatever Environment subclass the wrapper interface 2379 # might have assigned to SCons.Environment.Environment. 2380
2381 -def NoSubstitutionProxy(subject):
2382 class _NoSubstitutionProxy(Environment): 2383 def __init__(self, subject): 2384 self.__dict__['__subject'] = subject
2385 def __getattr__(self, name): 2386 return getattr(self.__dict__['__subject'], name) 2387 def __setattr__(self, name, value): 2388 return setattr(self.__dict__['__subject'], name, value) 2389 def executor_to_lvars(self, kwdict): 2390 if kwdict.has_key('executor'): 2391 kwdict['lvars'] = kwdict['executor'].get_lvars() 2392 del kwdict['executor'] 2393 else: 2394 kwdict['lvars'] = {} 2395 def raw_to_mode(self, dict): 2396 try: 2397 raw = dict['raw'] 2398 except KeyError: 2399 pass 2400 else: 2401 del dict['raw'] 2402 dict['mode'] = raw 2403 def subst(self, string, *args, **kwargs): 2404 return string 2405 def subst_kw(self, kw, *args, **kwargs): 2406 return kw 2407 def subst_list(self, string, *args, **kwargs): 2408 nargs = (string, self,) + args 2409 nkw = kwargs.copy() 2410 nkw['gvars'] = {} 2411 self.executor_to_lvars(nkw) 2412 self.raw_to_mode(nkw) 2413 return SCons.Subst.scons_subst_list(*nargs, **nkw) 2414 def subst_target_source(self, string, *args, **kwargs): 2415 nargs = (string, self,) + args 2416 nkw = kwargs.copy() 2417 nkw['gvars'] = {} 2418 self.executor_to_lvars(nkw) 2419 self.raw_to_mode(nkw) 2420 return SCons.Subst.scons_subst(*nargs, **nkw) 2421 return _NoSubstitutionProxy(subject) 2422 2423 # Local Variables: 2424 # tab-width:4 2425 # indent-tabs-mode:nil 2426 # End: 2427 # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: 2428