26.4. Building C Header and Stub Files: the JavaH Builder

You can generate C header and source files for implementing native methods, by using the JavaH Builder. There are several ways of using the JavaH Builder. One typical invocation might look like:

      classes = Java(target = 'classes', source = 'src/pkg/sub')
      JavaH(target = 'native', source = classes)

The source is a list of class files generated by the call to the Java Builder, and the target is the output directory in which we want the C header files placed. The target gets converted into the -d when SCons runs javah:

      % scons -Q
      javac -d classes -sourcepath src/pkg/sub src/pkg/sub/Example1.java src/pkg/sub/Example2.java src/pkg/sub/Example3.java
      javah -d native -classpath classes pkg.sub.Example1 pkg.sub.Example2 pkg.sub.Example3

In this case, the call to javah will generate the header files native/pkg_sub_Example1.h, native/pkg_sub_Example2.h and native/pkg_sub_Example3.h. Notice that SCons remembered that the class files were generated with a target directory of classes, and that it then specified that target directory as the -classpath option to the call to javah.

Although it's more convenient to use the list of class files returned by the Java Builder as the source of a call to the JavaH Builder, you can specify the list of class files by hand, if you prefer. If you do, you need to set the $JAVACLASSDIR construction variable when calling JavaH:

      Java(target = 'classes', source = 'src/pkg/sub')
      class_file_list = ['classes/pkg/sub/Example1.class',
      JavaH(target = 'native', source = class_file_list, JAVACLASSDIR = 'classes')

The $JAVACLASSDIR value then gets converted into the -classpath when SCons runs javah:

      % scons -Q
      javac -d classes -sourcepath src/pkg/sub src/pkg/sub/Example1.java src/pkg/sub/Example2.java src/pkg/sub/Example3.java
      javah -d native -classpath classes pkg.sub.Example1 pkg.sub.Example2 pkg.sub.Example3

Lastly, if you don't want a separate header file generated for each source file, you can specify an explicit File Node as the target of the JavaH Builder:

      classes = Java(target = 'classes', source = 'src/pkg/sub')
      JavaH(target = File('native.h'), source = classes)

Because SCons assumes by default that the target of the JavaH builder is a directory, you need to use the File function to make sure that SCons doesn't create a directory named native.h. When a file is used, though, SCons correctly converts the file name into the javah -o option:

      % scons -Q
      javac -d classes -sourcepath src/pkg/sub src/pkg/sub/Example1.java src/pkg/sub/Example2.java src/pkg/sub/Example3.java
      javah -o native.h -classpath classes pkg.sub.Example1 pkg.sub.Example2 pkg.sub.Example3