2.3. Simple Java Builds

SCons also makes building with Java extremely easy. Unlike the Program and Object builder methods, however, the Java builder method requires that you specify the name of a destination directory in which you want the class files placed, followed by the source directory in which the .java files live:

     Java('classes', 'src')

If the src directory contains a single hello.java file, then the output from running the scons command would look something like this (on a POSIX system):

      % scons
      scons: Reading SConscript files ...
      scons: done reading SConscript files.
      scons: Building targets ...
      javac -d classes -sourcepath src src/hello.java
      scons: done building targets.

We'll cover Java builds in more detail, including building Java archive (.jar) and other types of file, in Chapter 26.