23.4. Disabling the Shared Cache

Retrieving an already-built file from the shared cache is usually a significant time-savings over rebuilding the file, but how much of a savings (or even whether it saves time at all) can depend a great deal on your system or network configuration. For example, retrieving cached files from a busy server over a busy network might end up being slower than rebuilding the files locally.

In these cases, you can specify the --cache-disable command-line option to tell SCons to not retrieve already-built files from the shared cache directory:

      % scons -Q
      cc -o hello.o -c hello.c
      cc -o hello hello.o
      % scons -Q -c
      Removed hello.o
      Removed hello
      % scons -Q
      Retrieved `hello.o' from cache
      Retrieved `hello' from cache
      % scons -Q -c
      Removed hello.o
      Removed hello
      % scons -Q --cache-disable
      cc -o hello.o -c hello.c
      cc -o hello hello.o