Chapter 5. Node Objects

Internally, SCons represents all of the files and directories it knows about as Nodes. These internal objects (not object files) can be used in a variety of ways to make your SConscript files portable and easy to read.

5.1. Builder Methods Return Lists of Target Nodes

All builder methods return a list of Node objects that identify the target file or files that will be built. These returned Nodes can be passed as source files to other builder methods,

For example, suppose that we want to build the two object files that make up a program with different options. This would mean calling the Object builder once for each object file, specifying the desired options:

    Object('hello.c', CCFLAGS='-DHELLO')
    Object('goodbye.c', CCFLAGS='-DGOODBYE')

One way to combine these object files into the resulting program would be to call the Program builder with the names of the object files listed as sources:

    Object('hello.c', CCFLAGS='-DHELLO')
    Object('goodbye.c', CCFLAGS='-DGOODBYE')
    Program(['hello.o', 'goodbye.o'])

The problem with listing the names as strings is that our SConstruct file is no longer portable across operating systems. It won't, for example, work on Windows because the object files there would be named hello.obj and goodbye.obj, not hello.o and goodbye.o.

A better solution is to assign the lists of targets returned by the calls to the Object builder to variables, which we can then concatenate in our call to the Program builder:

      hello_list = Object('hello.c', CCFLAGS='-DHELLO')
      goodbye_list = Object('goodbye.c', CCFLAGS='-DGOODBYE')
      Program(hello_list + goodbye_list)

This makes our SConstruct file portable again, the build output on Linux looking like:

       % scons -Q
       cc -o goodbye.o -c -DGOODBYE goodbye.c
       cc -o hello.o -c -DHELLO hello.c
       cc -o hello hello.o goodbye.o

And on Windows:

       C:\>scons -Q
       cl /Fogoodbye.obj /c goodbye.c -DGOODBYE
       cl /Fohello.obj /c hello.c -DHELLO
       link /nologo /OUT:hello.exe hello.obj goodbye.obj

We'll see examples of using the list of nodes returned by builder methods throughout the rest of this guide.