Printing Node File Names
One of the most common things you can do
with a Node is use it to print the
file name that the node represents.
For example, the following SConstruct file:
hello_c = File('hello.c')
classes = Dir('classes')
Java(classes, 'src')
object_list = Object('hello.c')
program_list = Program(object_list)
print "The object file is:", object_list[0]
print "The program file is:", program_list[0]
Would print the following file names on a POSIX system:
% scons -Q
The object file is: hello.o
The program file is: hello
cc -c -o hello.o hello.c
cc -o hello hello.o
And the following file names on a Windows system:
C:\>scons -Q
The object file is: hello.obj
The program file is: hello.exe
cl /nologo /c hello.c /Fohello.obj
link /nologo /OUT:hello.exe hello.obj