Fetching Values From a Construction Environment

You can fetch individual construction variables using the normal syntax for accessing individual named items in a Python dictionary:

      env = Environment()
      print "CC is:", env['CC']

This example SConstruct file doesn't build anything, but because it's actually a Python script, it will print the value of CC for us:

      % scons
      CC is: cc

A construction environment, however, is actually a Python object with associated methods, etc. If you want to have direct access to only the dictionary of construction variables, you can fetch this using the Dictionary method:

      env = Environment(FOO = 'foo', BAR = 'bar')
      dict = env.Dictionary()
      for key, value in dict.items():
          print "key = %s, value = %s % (key, value)

This SConstruct file will print the dictionary items for us as follows:

      % scons
      key = FOO, value = foo
      key = BAR, value = bar