Default Targets

As mentioned previously, SCons will build every target in or below the current directory by default--that is, when you don't explicitly specify one or more targets on the command line. Sometimes, however, you may want to specify explicitly that only certain programs should be built by default. You do this with the Default function:

      env = Environment()
      hello = env.Program('hello.c')

This SConstruct file knows how to build two programs, hello and goodbye, but only builds the hello program by default:

      % scons
      cc -c hello.c -o hello.o
      cc -o hello hello.o
      % scons
      % scons goodbye
      cc -c goodbye.c -o goodbye.o
      cc -o goodbye goodbye.o

Note that, even when you use the Default function in your SConstruct file, you can still explicitly specify the current directory (.) on the command line to tell SCons to build everything in (or below) the current directory:

      % scons .
      cc -c goodbye.c -o goodbye.o
      cc -o goodbye goodbye.o
      cc -c hello.c -o hello.o
      cc -o hello hello.o

You can also call the Default function more than once, in which case each call adds to the list of targets to be built by default:

      env = Environment()
      prog1 = env.Program('prog1.c')
      prog2 = env.Program('prog2.c')
      prog3 = env.Program('prog3.c')

Or you can specify more than one target in a single call to the Default function:

      env = Environment()
      prog1 = env.Program('prog1.c')
      prog2 = env.Program('prog2.c')
      prog3 = env.Program('prog3.c')
      Default(prog1, prog3)

Either of these last two examples will build only the prog1 and prog3 programs by default:

      % scons
      cc -c prog1.c -o prog1.o
      cc -o prog1 prog1.o
      cc -c prog3.c -o prog3.o
      cc -o prog3 prog3.o
      % scons .
      cc -c prog2.c -o prog2.o
      cc -o prog2 prog2.o

Lastly, if for some reason you don't want any targets built by default, you can use the Python None variable:

      env = Environment()
      prog1 = env.Program('prog1.c')
      prog2 = env.Program('prog2.c')

Which would produce build output like:

      % scons
      scons: *** No targets specified and no Default() targets found.  Stop.
      % scons .
      cc -c prog1.c -o prog1.o
      cc -o prog1 prog1.o
      cc -c prog2.c -o prog2.o
      cc -o prog2 prog2.o